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China in a nut shell My dealings with China


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "clubs".

Bring back the cane!

CHINA | Wednesday, 16 Nov 2011 | Views [707] | Comments [1]

It has been a whole month! Wow. A lot has happened and that is one of the reasons this blog hasn’t been written until now. I am just busy and it feels like all the time, even so it isn’t ‘exhausting busy’ it’s ‘good busy’ is there such a thing? I ... Read more >

Tags: china, clubbing, clubs, food, guangzhou, halloween, huizhou, life, school, work

My Holiday in Pictures!

CHINA | Sunday, 13 Feb 2011 | Views [901] | Comments [3]

Hi everyone. I just had 2 weeks holiday and they were amazing. My brother was over and we did lots of things: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Huizhou (my City). But my brother and i took several hundred snaps. It took a while but i have them all ... Read more >

Tags: bars, clubs, godzilla, guangzhou, huizhou, lake, massage, mountain, shenzhen, temple


CHINA | Saturday, 9 Oct 2010 | Views [684] | Comments [4]

Right i am going to try and catch all the time that has been lost with hazy stories with massive plot holes...them being the times i cannot remember due to alcohol or time taking its toll.  Gestapo! I haven't said much recently have i. Well from the ... Read more >

Tags: china, clubs, drinking, red flower lake, sports, west lake

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