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China in a nut shell My dealings with China


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "halloween".

Bring back the cane!

CHINA | Wednesday, 16 Nov 2011 | Views [707] | Comments [1]

It has been a whole month! Wow. A lot has happened and that is one of the reasons this blog hasn’t been written until now. I am just busy and it feels like all the time, even so it isn’t ‘exhausting busy’ it’s ‘good busy’ is there such a thing? I ... Read more >

Tags: china, clubbing, clubs, food, guangzhou, halloween, huizhou, life, school, work


CHINA | Friday, 29 Oct 2010 | Views [362] | Comments [2]

Hello everyone who is reading this! This most certainly contains Halloween goings on but i will fill you in on the other happenings first. Nothing much is going on! Been working, eating, sleeping the usual. I have been out with a girl a few times but ... Read more >

Tags: costume, darts, halloween, pumpkin

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