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China in a nut shell My dealings with China


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "mountain".

Crystal called a little boy in a push chair 'a lazy bitch'

CHINA | Tuesday, 8 Nov 2011 | Views [1004] | Comments [3]

Yesterday Crystal and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary, my 1 st one ever! I thought I would write a bit about it because it was a good day and because I am still writing my main blog but it is taking aaaaages because of lots of different being ... Read more >

Tags: boat, climbing, date, food, gifts, mountain, piggyback, presents

My Holiday in Pictures!

CHINA | Sunday, 13 Feb 2011 | Views [901] | Comments [3]

Hi everyone. I just had 2 weeks holiday and they were amazing. My brother was over and we did lots of things: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Huizhou (my City). But my brother and i took several hundred snaps. It took a while but i have them all ... Read more >

Tags: bars, clubs, godzilla, guangzhou, huizhou, lake, massage, mountain, shenzhen, temple

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