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China in a nut shell My dealings with China

Crystal called a little boy in a push chair 'a lazy bitch'

CHINA | Tuesday, 8 November 2011 | Views [1005] | Comments [3]

Yesterday Crystal and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary, my 1st one ever! I thought I would write a bit about it because it was a good day and because I am still writing my main blog but it is taking aaaaages because of lots of different being lazy reasons.


In the morning a brisk 8 30a.m. start and some congratulating each other on a job well done getting this far. However unknown to me Crystal woke up at 7 and hid a few small presents around the flat. You see we have so little money right now I thought if I just took crystal out for a nice day some good food and fun it would be ok but no she bought and hid 3 presents for me to find. This made me feel like a dick for not doing anything like this. I plodded about feeling a bit sheepish to eventually find: a nice watch, some ‘dove’ chocolate (is it short for ‘Do you love me’? that's what Crystal told me) and a 1 yuan note folded into an awesome origami heart. She taught me how to make it so I look forward to showing off my skills at a later date.


The plan was: a really nice lunch at this Thai restaurant, some walking, some cinema-ing and then a night boat on the river. We actually went to a mountain which took all day and made it on the night boat but the crap one because of all the hurry and confusion. Still an awesome day,


Bai yun shan (white cloud mountain) is fairly near the city and although heavily man made, a really good natural feeling place. Busy, even on a Monday afternoon, but excellent weather. We walked for maybe 30 minutes until we came to a fork in the road, one way promising a nice big old ass temple the other just continuing up the hill. If we went to the temple we would still have to come back to the fork to go back up the hill but Crystal didn’t want to go to the temple because it meant more walking...I called her a lazy bitch. Then we saw a little boy maybe 4 or 5 in a push chair being pushed down this long steep hill and Crystal decided to call him ‘a lazy bitch’…it was priceless. Serves you right little boy!!! Half way up the mountain there was a bungee spot for only 15 pounds which I am definitely doing in the future. At the very top there was some amazing views of the city. It made HK look smaaaaaaaaall. There was a military radar tower/dome thing at the top which was pretty cool too. The summit of this mountain has a bell you can hit a certain amount of times to wish for specific things, Crystal wished for money I didn’t ask for anything because I am a hard worker!!! Hahaaaaaaaaaaaa anyway. There is also a place where you can lock a padlock which is meant to signify ever lasting strong love. Lots of old padlocks and new ones, it looked ‘lovely’ dum dum tch. On the way down there was a honey bee area where you could get lots of honey related products whilst a shit load of bees buzzing about and as many ants looking for the good stuff. We had some of the best biscuits ever (sorry Jim!), we literally saw him take them out the oven and Crystal asked for the ones he just made mmmmmmmmmmmm. Being a tourist we bought some honey too even though we hardly ever eat it. The same bees had lots of different kinds because the staff grows different flowers in different seasons for the bees to do their thing. I like honey bees they seem friendly. It took us around 5 hours to get up, down and around the mountain and my legs were killing me by the end of it. Maybe they were tired because on 4 separate occasions I gave Crystal piggybacks, 2 of these piggy backs were UP the hill…It was a tough hill walk. It made others laugh and even do the same thing which was fun. We got lost at the bottom but made it home for 7. A lightning change and we were ready for the boat.


Me in my finest blue and orange shirt…Crystal in a beautiful dress. We took the very busy public bus to the harbor…how romantic. Got there at 8:05 but the 8 boat hadn’t left. I wanted the deluxe boat with a meal, we got the tourist boat and a snack. Really good seats and weather though so it was still really nice. After the boat it was 11 so we went to a busy street regardless of it being day or night that has lots of restaurants and ate we proceeded to a ton. That day we only rice soup before the mountain and some chocolates at 7 so I think a big meal at 11 is ok. Straight to sleep when we get home because both our legs were on the verge of shutting down.


Today back to work! <cry> Thank you for reading about this day it made me happy to do and happy to write about. I didn’t take a lot of photos because the camera battery ran out in 10 minutes, sorry.


Is anyone else celebrating important events that as a good friend I should be giving congratulations but as I am a bad friend I am forgetting? Let me know!!! Really, please do.


The other blog will be up one day and it will be a monsterNot a lot has happened but I have plenty to say about it. I am really sorry to Mum and Dad for not being on Skype a lot. The timing is just bad and there are other circumstances: crap computers, bad intrenet, no computer, extra job. I do want to speak to you! Hopefully soon!!!


Love you all, Sam xxx

Tags: boat, climbing, date, food, gifts, mountain, piggyback, presents



will be good to speak sometime - every time I see you on skype, by the time i get there your gone !! Speak soon hopefully......bye

  dad Nov 9, 2011 10:38 PM


awwwww you big laaame :P im glad you had such a nice day. You may think you didn't work very hard at planning stuff but it sounded amazing :) i hope alasdair will make that much effort for our next anniverary :P the only cool holiday coming up soon is thanksgiving. classic mellen meal to come yaaaay. all the meat for me!

  cat Nov 12, 2011 3:27 AM


Hi Sam, lovely to read about your day and night out, it sounded great fun. Any luck with an address yet? Hopefully catch up with you soon.

Love Mum xx

  Mum Nov 16, 2011 3:13 AM



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