So Friday rained like a nothing i have seen! Really, i always missed the heavy rain in Scotland for some reason. Anyway!
I went shopping and on the way there i got sooooooooooaked, everyone else had an umbrella because they are stupid. God damn are Chinese supermarkets laid out in a confusing manner. Couldn't find the bloody tills the first time! This time i came away with bread after walking round the whole shop for like 10 minutes. bloody bread. I also now have oatmeal as it is the only cereal thy have BUT i amn't sure how to make oatmeal....instructions? Chinese! internet? you are correct. My classes on Friday were great. The kids responded well to the material but i have really bad timing so some lessons are rushed at the end and others i just blag until time is up. So i was to start at 9 30 on Saturday so i thought it would be a good idea to go out and get pissed.
We went to the 88 bar again to start! Nice girls at the table, GREAT at this dice game i am totally hooked! i even know most of the rules now. They arent hard but when you can hear a word being said and it being played at the speed of light whilst almost continually drowning beer it gets tricky. So games and beer for a while. THEN some dancing. After at 1? we went to a pool hall for some pool. The girls sucked but the place was awesome. Free tea too! 25 snooker tables like 3 in use. Such a waste! and we played pool! After that we decided it was time for a KTV. My first every KTV. and wow totally unreal. The place was a mass of corridors and hundreds of rooms. Waitress kept bringing in beer and food it and there was the dice game! OHHHHHHHHHHHHH DICE GAME! home at 4 30 and 4 hour sleep perfect for a days teaching.......<rolls eyes>
Todays teaching was actually really good. My first class were younger but i think we had some fun! The other classes were a bit older around 13 one was 10 and there English was amazing! a 10 ear old speaking such comprehensive English wow. It was good to be able to talk to the class and have a real conversation. That brings us to now and i think i might even be having a few drinks tonight! A kind of goodbye to Hugh from the school but who knows.
I will speak to you all soon, Sam :) xxx