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There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "christmas".

Year of the Dragon

CHINA | Wednesday, 18 Jan 2012 | Views [840] | Comments [2]

So my first blog of the new year! Let me tell you about my businesses from the end of last year all the way up to this very minute! Christmas time is our first stop! On Christmas Eve I went for a few drinks with a new teacher in my school. We went to ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, dragon, drinking, holidays, lost, new year, school, teachers, teaching

Merry Christmas / Street fighting / 24 rootin tootin years

CHINA | Friday, 23 Dec 2011 | Views [701] | Comments [3]

Ni hao! This is my festive blog, it is filled with wonder, cheer and puppies! Stray ones being chased by men with big nets but puppies none the less! I hope you can write me back after reading this as it would be great to hear even a line or two about ... Read more >

Tags: 25, birthday, buffet, christmas, demo, dog catcher, holidays, part time, school, weather

Christmas Frakin Day!

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Jan 2011 | Views [557]

Nothing could have gotten me down this day! I had school at 9 but didn’t get me down. I woke up with by excellent girlfriend (well right now something is up) and gave her present which cost me half my salary. I kept telling her she was getting an ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, gifts, necklace, party, santa, school, secret, teaching

Christmas Eve

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Jan 2011 | Views [460]

Not a remarkable day but we did do a work secret santa! Each teacher had 30kwai to spend but I think we all spent a bit. It was an actually secret santa which was amazing but after the opening everyone had to guess who the present was from. It was ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, eve, santa, secret

Christmas Party (School event)

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Jan 2011 | Views [597] | Comments [1]

I was attempting to make a vlog for this day but its so much god damn work I gave up maybe 4 hours in....go me.   So this was the 18 th of December! I had my first class at 9 30 and after that rushed over to the restaurant for the party.... Read more >

Tags: christmas, kids, parents, party, performances, teachers

A month of Tuesdays

CHINA | Tuesday, 7 Dec 2010 | Views [477] | Comments [1]

Tuesdays are my day of rest and so this month has ben a very good month if you understand where i am coming from. I f not usually people say "month of sundays" which is the day of rest and no work which is usually a good thing and so i mean ... Read more >

Tags: birthday, christmas, guangzhou, school

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