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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "secret".

Christmas Frakin Day!

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Jan 2011 | Views [557]

Nothing could have gotten me down this day! I had school at 9 but didn’t get me down. I woke up with by excellent girlfriend (well right now something is up) and gave her present which cost me half my salary. I kept telling her she was getting an ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, gifts, necklace, party, santa, school, secret, teaching

Christmas Eve

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Jan 2011 | Views [460]

Not a remarkable day but we did do a work secret santa! Each teacher had 30kwai to spend but I think we all spent a bit. It was an actually secret santa which was amazing but after the opening everyone had to guess who the present was from. It was ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, eve, santa, secret

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