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China in a nut shell My dealings with China

A month of Tuesdays

CHINA | Tuesday, 7 December 2010 | Views [477] | Comments [1]

Tuesdays are my day of rest and so this month has ben a very good month if you understand where i am coming from. I f not usually people say "month of sundays" which is the day of rest and no work which is usually a good thing and so i mean that all my days have been like a day off even if i have been working.

After saying all this it hasnt been that busy a month. Fairly regular, although i have done some pretty fun things although nothing ground breaking. As some of you might know i have a girlfriend...if you didn't then you are lucky i thought i had told everyone. ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa im soooooooooooo cool....

But i have been spending a LOT of my time with her. We take it in turn cooking at mine sometimes. She cooks nice chinese food i cook pasta and tomato ketchup....not joking i am that good. We go to the arcade, go shopping for food and other gumf, hang out at mine watching films. I bought an absolute joke of a computer for 4 pounds which is crap but also awesome. It plays mario and tetris and stuff like that. AWESOME what isnt awsome is tha Crystal completely owns me at Tetris and this doesnt make me happy. So my plan is to break her wrists. No i am not a bad loser.

On Tuesdays and most Sundays i play darts. I freakin love darts. I have been throwing some pretty sweet darts which is a good feeling. Winning my fair share of evenings. Got some darts from the guy who runs it and i am having a lot of success. Very close to a few 180's but none yet. Not drinking too much so it is a good evening without the hangover.

I have been for a few massages.....some good some bad. The last masseur lady popped everything i had and most of whatever she had whilst doing it. It was amazing. Also the last masseur i had was rubbish and Crystal came and got her and they talked about me which made me worry because getting a massage can be fairly........intense.

School has been pretty awesome. I had a demonstration class that all the teachers watched and they thought it was pretty good so i was happy about that. I still have a few bad students but on the whole it is ok. I have found that i am not as fun as i wanted to be. Games are difficult to initiate and the end result is usually less effective than working with me. But i know i need to start....damn kids saying they want more games in school.

Christmas is fast approaching and although i am working through it we (the school) are having a christmas lunch. 180 people  (kids and parents) and our teachers. Santa will be there.....me. I do have some qualms with the school about this because the chinese teachers decide things, start them and tell me later which can be annoying. I know little about this christmas party but today i was told that i was doing a speak for one of my classes. Didn't sit well with me but i will live. Although i also found out that after having to supervise all the kids for 2 and a half hours i then have to go back to school and teach 3 classes. This is me assuming that i am not teaching my first 2 classes but who knows.

So yes thats everything. My birthday gumf is in the othe blog marked birthday which if you didn't get your probably a little special.

Going to Guangzhou tomorrow, must do chirstmas shopping there. 10 million people like china's 4th or 5th largest city. Looking forward to it.

Lots of love, Sam.

P.S. everyone tell me what you are doing for christmas!!! i need christmas cheer! Its +25 here!

Tags: birthday, christmas, guangzhou, school



Mostly we will be freezing to death for Christmas. No deliveries are getting through so presents could be in short supply!

  Mum Dec 8, 2010 9:25 PM



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