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Living Outside the Box What is freedom for if not the chance to define for yourself who you are?

Trip: A walk along the camino de Santiago

There are [18] stories from my trip: A walk along the camino de Santiago

Holiday Letter 2007

USA | Sunday, 23 Dec 2007 | Views [1000]

Camino de Santiago Special Edition Season’s Greetings Everyone,                                                December 2007 Here I sit at a small café in Windsor, England (waiting to have tea with the Queen, of course) realizing it is ... Read more >

Tags: People

Jolly Old England

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 26 Nov 2007 | Views [490]

I am ready to start another walk now that I have been sitting and eating for the last week.  Coming to England has been a great rest spot.  Hamid is a wonderful host and an excellent cook.  He lives in Windsor and since Windsor is small you always have ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Madrid Nov 14

SPAIN | Thursday, 15 Nov 2007 | Views [674]

As some of you might recall, in the middle of October I left the baby blanket project under a hostel bed in Hospital de Orbigo.  It was with great angst I had to decide if to go back and get it or try to make contact with the hostel saying I will come ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Leg Two Done

SPAIN | Tuesday, 6 Nov 2007 | Views [849]

I am very HAPPY to be saying I am done with walking!  Last Tuesday I started the final leg from Fisterre - Muxia - Olveiroa - Negreia - Santiago and arrived yesterday at 3 30pm.  I had two intense days of racing time and I did not enjoy that.  The distances ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road


SPAIN | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Views [649] | Comments [2]

Need I say more?  Ok, a few words.  6 of us left Saturday morning from Brea with the full moon guiding us on to the west while the sunrise was nudging us forward from the east.  It was magical.  What made it extra special was being with my friend Alain ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

50km Left to Go

SPAIN | Friday, 26 Oct 2007 | Views [637]

Today is Thursday and I am in Melide for the night.  Tomorrow I will pass the 50km marker (there is a marker now every .5km) and think back to all the wonderful experiences I have had on the camino.  For now I will vent since soon it will be over. Stop ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

100 km to Go

SPAIN | Wednesday, 24 Oct 2007 | Views [575]

A quick note since 1 euro only gives me 12 minutes here.  Yesterday I reached the 100km marker indicating only 100 km more to go.  Hard to believe but I am almost there! I expect to be there on Sunday to attend the special pilgrims´ mass when they use ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Mon Oct 15 - Sat Oct 20

SPAIN | Sunday, 21 Oct 2007 | Views [982]

Monday Oct 15 Villadangos Paramo to Hospital de Orbigo 11 km Today I walked for Andi for her creativity, commitment to recycling, love of music, funky glasses, and for all the sleepovers in Colorado Springs and hikes in Boulder. Another sunny day and ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Wed - Sunday

SPAIN | Sunday, 14 Oct 2007 | Views [1336] | Comments [2]

Here is a recap from Wed Oct 10 to Sunday Oct 14 Wed Oct 10 to Terradillos 26.5 km Today I walked for Uwe the German man I walked the first 5 days with.  I knew he would still like to be on the camino. The hostel was very nice with only 6 beds to ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Half the Way There

SPAIN | Thursday, 11 Oct 2007 | Views [690] | Comments [4]

Wednesday Oct 10, 2007 I am happy to say I walked the first 388km with no major problems.  Lately there seems to be a rash of problems like shin splints, food poisoning, falling, and sun exposure.  My feet have maintained a level of discomfort that ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Saturday 100607

SPAIN | Saturday, 6 Oct 2007 | Views [847] | Comments [2]

Day 15 Burgos 286 km finished and 490 km left Yesterday Eva, Rosa, Africa, and I arrived in the late afternoon to the impressive looking cathedral in Burgos.  The last 3 hours of walking was tiring with walking through an industrial area and then into ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Wednesday 100307

SPAIN | Wednesday, 3 Oct 2007 | Views [608] | Comments [1]

Day 12 - 550 km left to go. Today I walk in honor of my former Al Hada students.  May they never stop learning. Walking from Granon to Tosanto on this cloudy and windy day with 3 Spanish ladies.  They are very nice and helping me with my Spanish and ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Monday 100107

SPAIN | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2007 | Views [713] | Comments [1]

Day 10 and I am in Azofra which luckily happens to be located in the Rioja region aka WINE country.  Spain has the largest vine coverage in the world and is the 3rd largest producer/exporter of wine.  This all adds up to cheap and good wine.  A very ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Saturday 092907

SPAIN | Saturday, 29 Sep 2007 | Views [587] | Comments [3]

163km down and 613km to go (make that 600km as noted on a sign down the road. The last few days have taken me through some beautiful countryside and quiet little towns.  Sleeping is a challenge with the noise.  Food is not always available due to the ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Monday 092407

SPAIN | Monday, 24 Sep 2007 | Views [568]

Hola, the sun is out and my clothes are being washed - life is good.  Here is what I have been doing.  I hope to be adding pictures next time. Day 3 Pamploma 15km - a great place to spend the afternoon exploring all the narrow alleyways.  Most things ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Sunday 091607

FRANCE | Sunday, 16 Sep 2007 | Views [436] | Comments [1]

Yesterday I took my longest walk yet.  It was a 7 hour roundtrip heading towards the Atlantic coast.  I was about 30 minutes away from seeing the ocean before I had to turn around to head back.  This area is known for carrots and leeks and the fields ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Friday 091407

FRANCE | Saturday, 15 Sep 2007 | Views [443]

Picnic on the Atlantic coast under a partly cloudy sky.  Toured the abbey in Lessay - a nice quiet place to think for a bit.  Started to plan the next leg with going to St Malo, Bordeaux, Lourdes, and St Jean Pier de Port.  Before I know it I will be ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Where to Start?

FRANCE | Saturday, 15 Sep 2007 | Views [509]

September 13, 2007   There but for the grace of God go I.   Where to start because there has been many starts to my journey?   Do I start in Al Hada on June 11 th when school got out and it was non stopping visiting with ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road