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Living Outside the Box What is freedom for if not the chance to define for yourself who you are?

Trip: February 2011

There are [9] stories from my trip: February 2011

February 22 - New Photos Posted

LAOS | Tuesday, 22 Feb 2011 | Views [423] | Comments [1]

Check out the Laos photo gallery below. It will be very hard to say farewell to Luang Prabang. It is a lovely place and every day I find something else fascinating about the place. Been enjoying working with a local student called Kuj. He is 20 ... Read more >

Photos: Laos

LAOS | Tuesday, 22 Feb 2011 | Photo Gallery

Highlights of Vietanne, Vang Vieang, and Luang Prabang
See all 28 photos >>

February 20 - Luang Prabang

LAOS | Sunday, 20 Feb 2011 | Views [632]

I just read about the Hu Long Bay boating accident.  My friends and I are planning to go there but now we will be extra careful with who we book with and it might be a day trip only. UNESCO Luang Prabang http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/479 Where to ... Read more >

Feb 16 - Caves and Bumpy Roads

LAOS | Wednesday, 16 Feb 2011 | Views [475]

With the sun finally out in Vang Vieng, I decided to rent a bike today and explore some caves, and I ended up playing bike mechanic too.  The first cave is a government cave and is nicely paved and lighted for people to walk in and admire the stalagmites.... Read more >

February 14 - Lost in Laos

USA | Sunday, 13 Feb 2011 | Views [406]

Made the border crossing from Thailand into Laos with no trouble and didn't have to wait long at all.  About an hour when it was all said and done.  I had two nights in Vientanne, the capital, and that was enough.  With 1.5 days of walking around I visited ... Read more >

February 11 - Last Day in Thailand

THAILAND | Thursday, 10 Feb 2011 | Views [448]

My passport says I must move on.  Thailand was more than I ever thought it could be.  The pace of life is unlike the flow of the Mekong River which is swift and steady.  I enjoyed the down time and, I hate to say it, but the "me" time as well ... Read more >

Photos: Nong Khai - Yoga

THAILAND | Tuesday, 8 Feb 2011 | Photo Gallery

Came here for a week to take yoga and to cross over into Laos.
See all 10 photos >>

February 7, P-A-I-N spells Yoga

THAILAND | Monday, 7 Feb 2011 | Views [340]

Today marked the 7th consecutive day and the last day of the intensive yoga workshop.  I learned and practiced many times over Asana movements and breathing techniques (those were trippie).  My pelvic floor is becoming more sturdy and some muscles ... Read more >

Feb 1, Nong Khai

THAILAND | Thursday, 3 Feb 2011 | Views [377]

The time is 10:20am and I have been in Nong Khai (NK) for an hour now.  It is definitely not Kansas.  This dusty and polluted little town rests on, the alsp dirty and polluted, Mekong River.  The land is flat and today with it being a gray and dingy ... Read more >