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Mon Oct 15 - Sat Oct 20

SPAIN | Sunday, 21 October 2007 | Views [982]

Monday Oct 15 Villadangos Paramo to Hospital de Orbigo 11 km

Today I walked for Andi for her creativity, commitment to recycling, love of music, funky glasses, and for all the sleepovers in Colorado Springs and hikes in Boulder.

Another sunny day and a short day for walking.  Very pleasant walk among trees and never too far from the road.  The albergue was a German one and had a great atmosphere to it.  Nice sitting areas, a courtyard filled with flowers and apples, and an alpine feel with all the wood.  The town was also pleasant to walk around and to sit and admire a very long, stone bridge with a history.  Watched a funeral in the afternoon.

Met my first Peace Walked.  His name is Jauq and is from France.  He started his walk in Sinai, Egypt and celebrated a year of walking on Sunday.  He ends his walk on the Camino in a about 2 weeks.  He pulls a cart with all his gear.  A very gentle soul and I wish him well.  www.chacunsaroute.com http://marchepourlapaix.blogs-de-voyage.fr

Tuesday Oct 16 Hosptial de Orbigo to Santa Catalina de Somuza 26km

Today I walked for Hamid and his love for guiding and learning, his knowledge of antiquity sites in Saudi, his laughter, and to our upcoming visit in London only 1 month away.

Nice alternative path through trees, fields, hills, and lots of rocks.  Many messages were written using the rocks along the path - nice tocuh, this person must be bored.  Met Clare and Bernard from Switzerland and they walked from their home there starting Aug 10th.

Walked through Astorga although it has many points of interests the most important being the Chocolate Museum but it was closed due to siesta like everything else.  Ended up in a nice stone village with only 4 of us pilgrims staying there.

Horror of all horrors happened at 9pm when I realized I didn´t have my knitting.  I left it under the bed in Hospital de Orbigo.  What to do?  Walk back and get it, try to call, email?  I had a sleepless night thinking about what to do.

Wed Oct 17 Santa Catalina to El Acebo 30km

TOday I walk for BJ on her birthday and for all the help and assistance she has provided me over the years, for her cute little doggies, for her love of Sadie, for her passion for quilting, and all the magic she whips up in the kitchen.

This morning I walked out of the albergue without my walking stick, he is called Nino, and the place was already locked up when I went back 30min later.  I am not doing too good with remembering things.  I could not leave Nino behind and luckily the lady from the albergue was driving down the road to open the place.  I am back with Nino.

Another lucky thing happened also when two men came walking towards me on the trail.  Usually people walk in the same direction to Santiago.  THese two French men were walking back and by the grace of God they would be walking thru Hospital de Orbigo later that day.  I gave them a note to deliver saying I would be back in Nov to fetch my knitting.  Miracles do happen.

The day was sunny and walked through more beautiful countryside as the trail went up and over hills and reaching the highest part of the camino at 1517m high.  Went thru the hippy village of Foncebadon - should of stayed but came too early. There is also a famous cross and pile of stones below the cross.  It is a pilgrim ritual to leave a stone from your home city behind at the pile of rocks.  The pile now looks like a dumping ground of various articles of clothing, scraps of paper, worn photos, and rocks looking like the rocks along the trail.

Next was a stop in Manjarin to decide if to stay at this traditional albergue with lots of flies, cats, dogs, trinkets, and no facilities.  I was the only one there and since it was still light enough for me to make it to the next village I moved on.

Arrived in El Acebo around 5:30pm exhausted but happy to be in this small enchanting village.  I also liked the new albergue there and the host also owns a restaurant in Italy so I was looking forward to the meal.  He did not disappoint.

Thr Oct 18 Al Acebo to Ponferrada 16.5km

Today I walked for Janet´s dad.  Janet walked the camino in 1999 and asked me to walk for her dad as he lives and struggles with cancer.  I also walk for Janet and her love for the camino and travel.  She went to Yemen after I did and I enjoyed reading her online journal.

Another sunny day and great scenery - when does it end?  Part of it did end in Ponferrada with all the graffiti there.  Saw the castle, some plazas and tried pulpo - steamed octypus, interesting.

Had a nice meal with Camila from Brazil.

Friday Oct 19 Ponferrada to Villafranca 21.5km

Today I walk for Cathy and Hindri and all the places we have met over the years, the hikes in Nepal, and to seeing their new place in France.

Sunny and vineyards.  Excellent day.  Funky albergue with a traditional meal served at night.  THree lovely churches and a castle.  COuld of stayed longer here.  Met up with Simone from GR.  Last saw her a week ago.

Sat Oct 20 Villafranca to Ruitelan 23km

Today I walked for Vinessa and her love for all things Spain.  Another sunny day and today I walked thru chestnut orchards.  People were out with their baskets and donkeys collecting the nuts.

Tomorrow a hill climb. Can you tell I am getting tired of typing?  Time for red wine.

Tags: On the Road



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