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Living Outside the Box What is freedom for if not the chance to define for yourself who you are?

Half the Way There

SPAIN | Thursday, 11 October 2007 | Views [701] | Comments [4]

Wednesday Oct 10, 2007

I am happy to say I walked the first 388km with no major problems.  Lately there seems to be a rash of problems like shin splints, food poisoning, falling, and sun exposure.  My feet have maintained a level of discomfort that is bareable.

After leaving Burgous I left the La Rioja area and entered the Meseta known for its flatness and endless fields.  The walk today highlighted that with 17.5km on a straight and narrow (rocky) dirt road with no villages in between.  There were some trees and a breeze so for me it was OK.

I have met up with my Africa yesterday and will enjoy her company until Sunday when she goes back to Madrid.


Sunday 10 07 07 28.5km to Hontanas

Today I walk for Lorelei and her music.

This walk had the famous spring for soaking feet to avoid any further foot problems.  Didn´t work for me but it felt good.

Monday 10 08 07 28.7km to Boadilla del Camino

Today I walk for Gail for her mentoring and her love of travel.

Pleasant walk.  The town was small and the hostel looked and felt like an old jail.  It slept only 12 and luckily no major snorers were there.

Tuesday 10 09 07  25.2 km to Carrion de los Condes

Today I walk for Desta and his desire to live back in Ethiopia helping out.

A great day and nice town to stay in.  There was a food store, people, and a good meal for dinner.

Been learning a little Spanish as I walk along with Africa.

Time for dinner.


Tags: On the Road



Hi Becky,

You are so sweet to have walked for me one day. Though I often think of you as the mentor, rather than the other way around! The news here is that I am getting ready to move down to my little cottage over the next couple of weeks. And a note from me WILL be on its way to Santiago soon (I will MAKE time!). Be safe, have fun, and know that we are thinking of you.

Sending best wishes and happy feet,


  Gail Oct 11, 2007 4:41 AM


Dear Becky,

I have been touched by you walking each day for someone or a group of people. As you have offered your walking for people, so today I will be celebrating my Mass for you.


  Ted Tumicki Oct 11, 2007 5:18 AM


Becky - just logged on to your journey as valerie and i have been out of country. Thank you for the updates and the memories being created. We can picture some of the simple joys and pains of travel by local motion. Truly wish we were there as we could stand to loose some weight.
Our journey was sailing in the British Virgin Islands with valerie's dad and his girlfriend for 7 days then stayed for three extra days afterwards. The sailing and snorkeling were spectacular; the humidity and mosquitos were another matter. Hope to see you when you are back in the NW.
Mike and Valerie

  mike and valerie o'halloran Oct 12, 2007 6:12 AM


Thanks Gail, Ted and Val and Mike for leaving messages. I like reading the comments. Ted, thank you for saying a mass for me. I wish you could be here to see these churches -they are just amazing inside but I know you have seen your share while living in Belgium.

Today has been a glorious fall day and being in Leon is great. Shops, food, no pack on, and a cheap place to stay. Moving with a bunch of people is interesting. I hate it when I walk all by myself for hours and then as I approach a cafe or hostel the other pilgrims appear out of no where, pass me and get there first. Glad I got that off my chest.

  Becky Oct 13, 2007 11:46 PM



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