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Living Outside the Box What is freedom for if not the chance to define for yourself who you are?

Saturday 092907

SPAIN | Saturday, 29 September 2007 | Views [587] | Comments [3]

163km down and 613km to go (make that 600km as noted on a sign down the road.

The last few days have taken me through some beautiful countryside and quiet little towns.  Sleeping is a challenge with the noise.  Food is not always available due to the strange hours they keep.  My feet are suffering too much with blisters and just aching.  Most pilgrims can be spotted by the pilgrim waddle - imagine what it looks like (and feels like) walking across shards of glass.  The people have been interesting, wonderful and helpful.

A highlight of the week was meeting a group of 4 little girls ages 4 and 5 coming out for recess with their teacher.  I am saying hola and hello then what is your name.  The teacher picked up on this and became very excited for her students to use their english.  Not much English was said but group photos were taken with a new made paper-mache mask looking like a witch for an upcoming event.  It was a precious moment because I have not been mixing all that much with the locals. 

I need to find another place to add photos.

Tags: On the Road



Hi Becky,

So great to follow your trip,a nd to see you here in annapolis before you left. Hope your blisters heal soon, and that you experience many many more stories like the one about the little girls.



  Gail Sep 30, 2007 4:53 AM


Your own RSS feed? Well...What IS the world coming
to these days. :)

Cool journal and great to read about your journey.
Freckles says hi and to keep on chuggling.

Take care. Be safe.


  gary zaepfel Oct 1, 2007 2:15 PM


Thanks for the message you two. I am now in Azofra drying out. The last 20 minutes of walking was in the rain and I just happened to get caught in a group of pilgrims when signing into the hostel. I waited for them all to get settled. Lots of French and Germans traveling together in groups.

Time to add another entry since I have the time on this rainy Monday afternoon.

  rtumicki Oct 1, 2007 10:23 PM



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