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United Kingdom

There are [391] photos and [38] stories about United Kingdom

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Jodrell Bank Observatory

Friday, 28 Apr 2023 | Views [137]

WHEN CONNIE SUGGESTED THE JODRELL BANK Observatory both Chris and Rose smiled. Even though it was “in their neighborhood” the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester was still on their To-Do List. I had never ... Read more >

No Job For A Lady

Tuesday, 25 Apr 2023 | Views [114]

WE ARE SPENDING OUR LAST FEW DAYS in England with old friends Chris and Rose. They were expats working in Uganda when we first met; since then we’ve stayed in their  cottage in the Pennines, ran into them in South Africa and joined them in ... Read more >

Photos: England: The Final Act

Monday, 24 Apr 2023 | Photo Gallery

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Welsh Castles of Edward I

Sunday, 23 Apr 2023 | Views [113]

WHEN ENGLISH KINGS WEREN’T MOUNTING a Crusade or at war with France, they kept themselves in shape by battling the Scots or the Welsh. Decades before he dealt with Scots William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, Edward I, who succeeded  his father ... Read more >

Pembrokeshire Coastal Trail

Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 | Views [136]

HIKING HOLIDAYS ARE A BIG DEAL IN WALES. Unfortunately Wales is also know for its terrible weather; only one day in three is sunny. We took advantage of a rare bit of Welsh sunshine and headed for the rugged Pembrokeshire coast. Temperature in the mid-... Read more >

St. David, Saint Davids and St. Davids Cathedral

Monday, 17 Apr 2023 | Views [119]

SANT DEWI YW NAWDDSANT CYMRU. Saint David is the Patron Saint of Wales. Now I understand why we feel so disoriented—we didn’t even know that Cymru was Welsh for Wales! Next time I want to strengthen my password, I’ll write something ... Read more >

Photos: Wales

Sunday, 16 Apr 2023 | Photo Gallery

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York Minster Cathedral

Thursday, 13 Apr 2023 | Views [121]

DURHAM CATHEDRAL WAS COMPLETED IN ONLY forty years—it took two centuries longer to build the “Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York.” I guess Gothic cathedrals must be holier than Norman ones. As with the City Walls, ... Read more >

Olde Yorke

Wednesday, 12 Apr 2023 | Views [101]

CHRIS AND ROSE GUIDED US ON A DAY-TRIP to York in 2011, but with lunch and travel time we just had a sniff of the city. With three full days we should be able to make some memories. We will miss the National Railroad Museum again—all of the free ... Read more >

The Holy Island of Lindisfarne and Bamburgh Castle

Monday, 10 Apr 2023 | Views [109]

AFTER CHECKING BOTH THE WEATHER and tide-tables, we decided to re-visit the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. The Holy Island is accessible only during low tide, something that hardly bothers its 160 permanent residents but greatly affects the 650,000 visitors ... Read more >

Durham—Second Chance for a First Impression

Saturday, 8 Apr 2023 | Views [108]

THIS IS OUR FIRST “OFFICIAL” VISIT TO DURHAM—our “drive-by” in 2011 hardly counts. I wrote nothing in my journal and can’t find a single photo, not even of Durham Cathedral. And as I remember, we were busy scooting ... Read more >

Photos: England: Durham and York

Thursday, 6 Apr 2023 | Photo Gallery

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Riverside Museum and the National Gallery of Scotland

Tuesday, 4 Apr 2023 | Views [107]

THE ARCHITECTURE OF GLASGOW'S RIVERSIDE MUSEUM on the banks of the River Clyde is as impressive as its collections. The contemporary design by architect Zaha Hadid stands in juxtaposition to the nostalgic transportation systems of Riverside’s collection.... Read more >

Scotland: Stirling and William Wallace

Saturday, 1 Apr 2023 | Views [83]

FACT—5000 SCOTSMEN UNDER WILLIAM WALLACE defeated the much larger Army of Edward I at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297. You may remember the battle and Wallace’s blue face from the popular movie, Braveheart. Most everything else in ... Read more >

Scotland: National Museum in Edinburgh

Thursday, 30 Mar 2023 | Views [103]

GREETINGS FROM THE UK; SCOTLAND TO BE precise; Stirling to be preciser. After flying from Palma to Barcelona then over the Pyrenees to Manchester and spending two nights in soulless hotels, it’s wonderful to be back in an AirBnB. We are in the ... Read more >

Photos: Scotland

Tuesday, 28 Mar 2023 | Photo Gallery

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The National Gallery and Tate Britain

Saturday, 11 Jun 2022 | Views [182]

WITH THE HIGH PRICES CHARGED TO VISIT English Heritage and National Trust sites around the UK, it comes as a pleasant surprise that London’s Museums are free! You can tour the British Museum, National Gallery, Royal Academy and both Tates and not ... Read more >

My Fair Lady in London

Thursday, 9 Jun 2022 | Views [176]

WE KNOW MANY FOLKS WHO travel to London just for the theatre. It’s not why we’re here but when in Rome (or London) . . . . We’re Phantom ’d out, already seen Jersey Boys in London, couldn’t care less about Back to the ... Read more >

London . . . Again

Wednesday, 8 Jun 2022 | Views [193]

WITH A SIGH OF RELIEF WE RETURNED the rental car at Heathrow. Our first purchase was a pair of Oyster Cards for the Underground loaded with £20. It's our ticket to ride, just swipe and go and we can travel beneath London for the next six days. ... Read more >

Photos: London

Tuesday, 7 Jun 2022 | Photo Gallery

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