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My super boring journal I would like some more pressed duck.

Dearly Departed

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 24 Dec 2007 | Views [881] | Comments [2]

The jornal has finally given up the ghost due to a lack of interesting things to tell you all about. What I will miss the most is comments from strangers telling me it is boring. Get ready for mass emails everyone.

Tags: Misadventures

Gallery: Marrakech

MOROCCO | Saturday, 1 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

brain paracites
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Ridin on the Marrakech Express.

MOROCCO | Saturday, 1 Sep 2007 | Views [3552] | Comments [9]

Hello! I have just come back from Marrakesh. It was very fun. It was super hot a lot of the time. One day it was 43 degrees. That was awesome.   I was reminded of home. There were a lot of cool things about Marrakech so I will mention them first.... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Lesley and Dan's journal entry

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 5 Aug 2007 | Views [2956] | Comments [11]

Well, we chose to visit Britain during its wettest summer on record!   The south of England has flooded twice, and the Thames River has burst its banks in Oxford.   We were in Paris when that happened, and fortunately had only one day of rain when ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

The BEST journal ever!

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 26 Jun 2007 | Views [3114] | Comments [21]

Helen I am so sorry I didn't put any journal up. I went a bit crazy this week with lazy. But the lazy has lifted and I am back rareing? to go. For anyone who missed it Helen had some exciting news. She has purchased a home. 3 brd, 1 bath in Armadale.... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Gallery: Normandy

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 24 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

arthritic camels
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Gallery: Mum and Dan

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 19 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Worst Journal Ever

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 10 May 2007 | Views [1477] | Comments [6]

Hello, It made me smile that Mrs James was correcting Simons grammar. Particularily because I didn’t understand and had to read Simons comment twice to pick it up. My journals would fail anyones grammar test. I have been very busy without actually ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Easter was yesterday... I have failed!

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007 | Views [1585] | Comments [6]

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a truly spectacular easter. At this point I am still yet to have eaten any easter eggs so I am very proud of myself. Thank you to Melissa for sending you kind gift. It was very thoughtful. I am on holidays. Hurrah! ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

If only i could think of a funny title...

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 18 Mar 2007 | Views [1429] | Comments [11]

Hello everybody! I have moved my location on the Isle of Wight since the last you heard from me. I have moved from sunny Cowes to sunny Shanklin. It does not lend it self as well to parodies of its name as well as Cowes did. And yet it is sufficient.... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Gallery: Shanklin

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 18 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

Flowers trod in the mud.
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Si hay un problema con la vuelta de Tejas alrededor y asperje el mar.

SPAIN | Monday, 19 Feb 2007 | Views [3613] | Comments [13]

Hola, Mel and I have returned form Espanol! It was a super great trip and we had a great time (I did anyway). Spain is very beautiful. There are many beautiful buildings. The Gaudi buildings are particularly beautiful. You can see some pictures ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Barcelona

SPAIN | Monday, 19 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

old lumpy pieces of pork
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Birthdays and Batteries

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 7 Feb 2007 | Views [1620] | Comments [6]

Hello all, Firstly, I would like to say happy birthday to Helen! I hope you will enjoy an extended birthday. I have come down from the giddy excitement of Europe and have settled in once again to the giddy apathy of Ryde High School. The kids ... Read more >

Tags: Packing & gadgets

If you are bored ask Ebony for a game of FORENSIC DETECTIVE

ITALY | Sunday, 21 Jan 2007 | Views [1769] | Comments [12]

Hello Everyone, We have been gone for 2 weeks and have 1 week left or there abouts. The further along in the trip we go the quicker everything seems to whiz by. Amsterdam lasted forever and Rome just whizzed by. SO far we have stayed in Amsterdam, ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

2007 Ra Ra Ra!

IRELAND | Tuesday, 2 Jan 2007 | Views [1732] | Comments [20]

Happy New Year – we hope your new year is above average. Well, due to our good nature and the overwhelming response to our threats, we have freed Sue. We didn’t get as much money as we would have liked but we did receive some lovely skulls, ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 18 Dec 2006 | Views [2058] | Comments [20]

To the actual owner of Gentlesue’s Super Boring Journal. Your Journal has been kidnapped! If you want your journal back alive, I suggest you meet all of our demands. Firstly we demand 1,000,000 pounds. Bring this money in the skull of Justin ... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Gallery: Helen and Eb in the UK

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 17 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Everyone write what you're thankful for

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 26 Nov 2006 | Views [2012] | Comments [14]

Yo my peeps! I have decided the journal needs to be pimped up a bit. I need a diamond encrusted border of some sort. I need to photoshop gold teeth into all my photos. How is everyone? I am still waiting on photos from Dublin. They will come.... Read more >

Tags: Snow

Deseo que podría ir en alguna parte ellos hablé ruso así que podría hacer un título en ruso.

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 10 Nov 2006 | Views [5472] | Comments [15]

You’re right! That is a greeting that is distinctive around here. People walk past and say ‘You’re right!’ and I stand there and say ‘Yeah!’ I don’t think that is correct response. I think you have to say ‘You’re right’ back. I am never quick enough ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

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