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My super boring journal I would like some more pressed duck.

If only i could think of a funny title...

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 18 March 2007 | Views [1429] | Comments [11]

Hello everybody!

I have moved my location on the Isle of Wight since the last you heard from me. I have moved from sunny Cowes to sunny Shanklin. It does not lend it self as well to parodies of its name as well as Cowes did. And yet it is sufficient. It is actually very pretty and I live right across from the beach. It’s a good beach too. A sandy one not a shingle one. I am sitting in my front room now watching some guy on a jet ski. The down side is that most of my friends live in Cowes so I have been spending a fair bit of time on the bus going between the two.

Jon Paul left on Sunday. I was very sad. I was actually quite sad packing on Friday night ready to leave our flat. It was a nice place to live and I liked living with Jon Paul. Now I am in a much smaller 1 bed flat by myself. The upside is that when mum and Daniel come to visit the crazy of the Faheys can be contained and does not have to be subjected to anyone else.

Other new developments include the discovery of ‘facebook’ which I guess is like a more grown up version of bebo and myspace. It is apparently much bigger in North America than Australia because Jon Paul has found heaps of his school friends and I have not found any… maybe it is just that I have no friends… all my friends on ‘facebook’ are Canadian. You should all join facebook. I promise it’s not nerdy at all…

Umm… My phone doesn’t really work here. I have to get another number. I will do it eventually. Also, please email me if you want my new address. Please discontinue the old one. I have also no landline phone so it may be tricky to talk to people for a while. I have been getting on the Skype quite often lately and yet there is no one there. I will be on Sunday morning around 10.00am which will be 7.00pm Sunday night your time. You should do it. My free tv box doesn’t work here either…. I will miss all my favorite shows. Oh well!

Ooh. The Head teacher of my school has been suspended by the governers. Apparently it has to do with Health and Safety issues resulting from a high number of violent incidents against staff and other students. On Thursday afternoon my class came running in asking what had happened and I hadn’t heard anything yet and thought they were lying.

The picture is the view from my window......

Have a good St Patrick’s day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Tags: Scams & Robberies



Holy Cowes! Your school sounds really great.
Your new view looks good. You should be hoping for another season of Little Britain.
Janet is staying here till Thursday. I keep eating her food. I thought, 'Wow, we have grapes'. We didn't.
Me and Dan saw Weird Al Yankovic last night. It was pretty cool. At the beginning he sang all these popular new songs that were pop and rap and r'n'b but in the style of Polka. And he sang the Saga begins. Daniel was reasonably well behaved. I'll try remember my password and be on skype.

  Ebony Mar 18, 2007 3:39 PM


Sue... I was playing around with your happy snap in my super duper digital photo fixer when I noticed an interesting reflection. Is there something you are not telling us?

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  Master Patt Mar 20, 2007 1:59 AM


I played around with the photo, too, but couldn't see anything except something that looks like the face of a large dog near the top right of the black car, but which is obviously not that when you enlarge the photo. Please tell us what you think it is, Master Patt.

  Susan's Mum Mar 20, 2007 6:38 PM


Top right hand corner... you will need to look at the photo that I have "worked on".

  Master Patt Mar 21, 2007 12:58 AM


I live at macdonalds

  Susan Mar 21, 2007 5:25 AM


Sorry, I still can't see it.

  Susan's Mum Mar 21, 2007 5:26 PM


I don't get it either! Simon, can you come round and help me.

  Mrs J. Mar 24, 2007 11:17 AM


Sorry Susan... it would seem that my prank has caused global confusion... kind of fun though.

  Master Patt Mar 25, 2007 1:09 AM


Dear Susan, The grapes were for anyone, Ebony. It was good staying at the Faheys, watching the planes at night through the caravan windows. One night, outside, I saw a shooting star, the brightest one I've ever seen. I enjoyed the barbeques and meeting Charles & Simon, seeing Kerin and Lily (the most beautifully behaved child), the trains, the lunches with Lesley and Ted, and of course catching up with Emma. The Faheys all made me feel very welcome, even buying more tins of Heinz Big Eat which I liked for breakfast, feeding me very well at night, and transporting me from home to the station and vice versa (particularly Ted). On 26th March at 7.30pm while staying in Perth (but not at the Faheys), I fell off a kerb into the road (it was dark) near UWA and disclocated the little finger on my left hand. Roger, Emma and I were at RPH for the next 3 1/2 hours. It is still strapped up till the end of the week to repair the ligaments. I can still touch-type but have to use the 's' finger for 'a'. I hope you are enjoying living in your new place, Susan. Are you closer or further away from your school? It was nice to talk to you on Skype the other week. I am glad you enjoyed Spain. Love Janet

  Janet Apr 3, 2007 11:53 PM


Ahh, how well I remember watching the planes at night thought the caravan window… and hearing them…and cursing them…
I was sad to hear about your finger, hope it gets better soon.

I am going to Kalgoorlie soon to bring the good news of speech and language to the masses, I will be in one of those planes.

  H Apr 4, 2007 11:45 AM


Hiya, There is a World Nomads group on facebook that you can join, that has many other people from this website.



  simon_monk Jul 13, 2007 11:59 AM



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