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Things I love about Argentina

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 22 Feb 2007 | Views [5339]

Hola Amigos! As I predicted, Argentina has been such a highlight for me on this trip. Things that make me smile about this place are:  - The Spanish is nice and slow (compared to Chile) and much more true to the written sense. When Argentinos pronounce ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Day 35 - Siete Lagos Tour

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 21 Feb 2007 | Views [1263] | Comments [1]

Today I did another tour of an area here called the "Siete Lagos" (7 lakes) and also to a nearby place called San Martín in the mountains. We departed Bariloche at 8 AM and travelled by the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi (the biggest lake here).... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Day 34 - The Tronador Volcano

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 20 Feb 2007 | Views [1606] | Comments [1]

Hi everyone Today I had a grand adventure in the Parque Nacional here just outside Bariloche. I visited a place called Tronador, which is a volcano on the border between Argentina and Chile; separating the two National Parks here: Nahuel Huapi in ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Llao Llao Hotel

ARGENTINA | Monday, 19 Feb 2007 | Views [3726] | Comments [2]

This afternoon I had some time to spare, so I did something that I occasionally like to do. I hopped on a bus and just went for a ride to where ever it was going to. In Bariloche, Argentina its a little different to Newcastle,Australia. By that I mean ... Read more >

Tags: Lost!

Day 33 - Shopping in Bariloche

ARGENTINA | Monday, 19 Feb 2007 | Views [4121] | Comments [3]

Hola Today I have been spending money hand over fist. Well actually, spending pesos hand over fist. I have been going a long time without buying anything, and today I cracked and started shopping. It wasnt a frenzy of buying, as ive been known to do ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

Beautiful Bariloche

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 18 Feb 2007 | Views [2629] | Comments [2]

Bariloche in southern Argentina is the most beautiful place I have ever visited. Truly amazing. Its situated on Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi in southern Argentina, the lakes district or Patagonia. The weather here is my favourite kind - crystal blue ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Days 29 & 30 - The plazas of Mendoza

ARGENTINA | Friday, 16 Feb 2007 | Views [1271]

Hola mi amigos! Well, my stay in Mendoza has come to an end and i´m sad to go! What a wonderful week i´ve had filled with Spanish classes, Hostel Lao, ice-cream, shopping and just relaxing! Onwards to Bariloche, down south, where its meant to be cooler ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Day 28 - Uno mese de la Sur America

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 14 Feb 2007 | Views [1225] | Comments [1]

Well - can you believe its already a month (mese) since I arrived in Santiago, Chile! What a whirlwind of things i´ve seen, done, tried & struggled with! After thinking alot, i´ve decided to stay in Argentina a few more weeks, as I love it here and ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Buying Shoes & Ice-cream

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 13 Feb 2007 | Views [3157] | Comments [1]

I know I keep saying/typing it over here, but the South American people really are chico (small). I am constantly surprised how short people are (like I can talk...) but also how nearly everything comes in small portions or is made for people that are ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

Day 26 - Brain explosion in Argentina

ARGENTINA | Monday, 12 Feb 2007 | Views [1901] | Comments [4]

G´day (note - I dont normally greet people this way but I just had to say somthing non-spanish for my sanity). After day 1 of Spanish classes my brain is ticking over! Our lesson was meant to be for 6 people but its just me and a 17 year old girl from ... Read more >

Tags: Lost!

Day 25 - Pizza & Beer on a Sunday Afternoon

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 11 Feb 2007 | Views [1080] | Comments [3]

Hi everyone I have to say that Mendoza is one of the most enjoyable places I have been so far. The atmosphere is chilled out, the city is clean & easy to navigate with plenty of parks & trees - and most importantly they take Sunday lunch as ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Travelling solo

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 10 Feb 2007 | Views [955] | Comments [1]

Hola everyone By now, you may or may not know that my travelling partner Angie has discovered she is pregnant (how exciting!) and has decided to return home to get prepared for her new arrival, and to ensure she can access the best medical attention ... Read more >

Tags: People

Days 22 & 23 - On the road again

ARGENTINA | Friday, 9 Feb 2007 | Views [1073] | Comments [1]

Hi everyone I have an odd feeling sitting in this internet cafe in Mendoza. After spending 28 of the last 34 hours riding on buses to get from Iguazu to Mendoza, it feels strange to not be moving in a bus & watching the crappy movies they play over ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Days 20 & 21 - Iguazu Falls

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 7 Feb 2007 | Views [2338] | Comments [2]

Well they haven´t made it one of the seven wonders of the world for nothing! We spent the last few days with our mouths and eyes wide open in amazement at the absolute spectacular beauty of Iguazu falls, which borders Paraguay/Brazil/Argentina here in ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

18 Hour Bus Ride - yay!

ARGENTINA | Monday, 5 Feb 2007 | Views [1000]

Hi Everyone A quick update - we are booked on an 18 hour coach this afternoon (booked full cama which is meant to be the most comfy!) to travel to Iguazu falls in the North East of Argentina. We arrive tomorrow afternoon and straight away travel to ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Still mooing

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 3 Feb 2007 | Views [795]

Ever get the feeling that the steak you are eating is too rare? Tonight we had a a fabulous dinner with our 2 newest travelling mates - Kirsten & Brendon from the gong (Wollongong) at a local parilla restaurant (bbq place). If the service was anything ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Photos: Argentina

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 3 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 21 photos >>

Day 16 - Stalking Evita

ARGENTINA | Friday, 2 Feb 2007 | Views [2391]

Buenos Tardez! Today has been our first full day in Argentina and we have made the most of it! We started early after a good sleep in (only until 9.30!) before hitting the streets and heading into Buenos Aires Central which is just down the end of our ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Day 15 - Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 1 Feb 2007 | Views [967] | Comments [1]

Hi everyone Just a quick entry to let you know we got to Argentina ok today. We are staying in a cheap, noisy, party zone hostel called the Millhouse right in the city, but only for a couple of nights as we would prefer to move to a quieter hostel. ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

The good, the bad + the Chilean

CHILE | Wednesday, 31 Jan 2007 | Views [12751] | Comments [6]

Well - we've now had 2 whole weeks here in Chile and have had quite an experience in our travels. There are so many things we have seen, heard, tried and photographed that its difficult to come up with a round up of our experiences (on our last night), ... Read more >

Tags: culture

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