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Where in the world is Lani?

Chiang Dao, darling!

THAILAND | Monday, 5 Nov 2012 | Views [623]

After returning to one of our favourite places - Chiang Mai - for a few days of downtime, catching up with friends and THE BEST coffee at Ristr8to; we took the recommendation to spend a day and night at nearby Chiang Dao Nest for a mountain experience.... Read more >

Tags: bikes, chiang dao, monastery, mountains

A week in Vientiane

LAOS | Friday, 19 Oct 2012 | Views [1200] | Comments [1]

Laos started out as a convenient side trip idea which allowed us to leave Thailand and re-enter to renew our tourist visas for another month but ended up being a true highlight of the trip!    We flew to Vientiane in the morning and after ... Read more >

Tags: beer, city, laos, mekong, relaxing, sunsets, vientiane

Learning to cook, Thai style

THAILAND | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2012 | Views [788]

During our stay at Bai Lan Bay, we decided to do a cooking class to get a feel for some of our favourite Thai dishes. Nearby to us in Bai Lan Bay village was cooking school and restaurant called the Happy Turtle which was run by Soa & her Swedish ... Read more >

Tags: bai lan bay, happy turtle, koh chang, thai cooking class

Our time in Bai Lan Bay

THAILAND | Sunday, 30 Sep 2012 | Views [1132]

We needed a break from Bangkok so decided to head to Koh Chang which is an island off the south east coast of Thailand, quite near to Cambodia. The usual trek there is a 12 hour plus minibus ride but we decided to live it up and take the 45 minute ($90AUD) ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, koh chang, relaxing

Koh Chang-tastic

THAILAND | Wednesday, 26 Sep 2012 | Views [665]

I think the term is big-city-itis and the symptoms include an aversion to mass rapid transit, being fed up with smog, indecisiveness due to many options for what to eat for dinner AND pale white skin. Call it whatever you like, by the time we arrived ... Read more >

Tags: beach, koh chang, relaxing

Taking the longer journey to Penang

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 19 Sep 2012 | Views [754]

After chilling out in the Cameron Highlands for a few days, drinking tea and enjoying a break from the humidity of the city - we decided to head for Penang (pronouced Pin-ang here) for some legendary food and so we could be closer to the water. We ... Read more >

Tags: ferry, pasembur, penang, rojak

Exploring the Batu Caves

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 15 Sep 2012 | Views [1350]

Based on Ant's childhood memories of visiting the caves, we decided to make the trip 13kms out of KL to see the caves and surrounds. There are loads of ways to get to the caves (taxi, buses, tourist bus) but we decided to take the train from KL Sentral ... Read more >

Tags: batu, caves, kuala lumpur, malaysia, temples

Photos: Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 13 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

Mash up of Indian, Malay, Chinese and humidity. Love it!
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How to eat at a Hawker centre

SINGAPORE | Monday, 10 Sep 2012 | Views [1759]

Read any guidebook, review any website or watch any episode of a travel show and they'll all recommend the quintessential "Hawker market" experience in Singapore (and most of SE Asia as well). While the idea of street food might turn some people off, ... Read more >

Tags: chinese food, hawker centres, singapore

Photos: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 8 Sep 2012 | Photo Gallery

Humidity, orchids, biryani, Tiger beer, heat, chilli crab AND chicken rice, oh yeah!
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Spice belly in Singapore

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 8 Sep 2012 | Views [709]

You know you've found a good biryani restaurant when the lady taking your order simply asks one question. "Mutton, chicken or vegetarian?"  On our trip out to Little India we discovered plenty of options around town whilst hiking it all around ... Read more >

Tags: biryani, eating, indian food

Photos: Turkey

TURKEY | Thursday, 14 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Turkish Delights

TURKEY | Thursday, 14 Aug 2008 | Views [840]

My new favourite destination for adventure is Turkey..... I stumbled across this place back in April this year when I set off for 10 days on an ANZAC day mission, tracing the steps of the Aussie diggers during WW1.  Started in Istanbul - a breathtaking ... Read more >

London Life

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 10 Mar 2008 | Views [1159] | Comments [3]

Well - it's been nearly a year since my last entry and over the past few days my feet have become itchy again..... so I logged back in to the journal for some inspiration. Since July last year I've been mostly in London - working and trying to sort ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Photos: Amsterdam

NETHERLANDS | Friday, 27 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Van Gogh and Copa America

NETHERLANDS | Sunday, 15 Jul 2007 | Views [760]

The moral of this story is not to try and ride bikes when you are drunk in Amsterdam! Bikes + Dutch beer + Brazil winning the Copa America = good times

Tags: Philosophy of travel

I AMsterdam!

NETHERLANDS | Saturday, 14 Jul 2007 | Views [1433]

On the road again - this time only 45 minutes away on a plane - to the chilled out city of Amsterdam, Holland for a few days break. One of the best things about Amsterdam for me was the fact that 3 of my favourite people in the world happnened to ... Read more >

Tags: friends

Smiling on the tube

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 10 Jul 2007 | Views [1137] | Comments [1]

Londoners don't like to smile much. Especially when they are riding on the tube (the sub ground train system here in London). Favourite passtimes on the tube each day, between work and home, include reading trashy newspapers, listening to iPods and also ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

London Town

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 26 Jun 2007 | Views [942] | Comments [1]

London for me at the moment consists of: Working in a challenging job as HR Advisor, excellent experience! Walking the streets of lovely suburb Kilburn in NW London, savouring the small delights of hot coffee, fruit vendors on the street and the ... Read more >

Tags: Work

A day in the Garden

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 9 Jun 2007 | Views [929] | Comments [1]

So, I hear the weather back in Australia is haywire at present.... storms, floods, rains and winds! Its a different story here in Leeds at the moment, where the sun is shining and the weather is sweet! Today I have been practicing my portugues (for ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

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