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Final Thoughts

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 9 Feb 2017 | Views [376]

106 days later... This trip was something else. This trip was challenging and trying. This trip was memorable. This trip opened my eyes. This trip was long. This trip put me over the edge more than once. This trip made me strong. This trip showed ... Read more >

DAY 106. Until Next Time, New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 9 Feb 2017 | Views [336]

We woke up, had a small breakfast, then continued to pack. After a bit, we said bye to Alison and David since they were leaving to go down to Wellington. I was so sad I wasn't going to be able to see them anymore on a regular basis. They've been a constant ... Read more >

DAY 105. To Waihi for the Last Time

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 8 Feb 2017 | Views [323]

Cassela and I made breakfast and then left the holiday park. We went grocery shopping and after, went to a hardware store then an auto store in search of silver spray paint to match Helga. We wanted to attempt to cover up the scuff mark on the right ... Read more >

DAY 104. The Aftermath

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 7 Feb 2017 | Views [273]

We all woke up with numerous cuts and scrapes, deep and shallow, all over our bodies from making it painfully back to the house the night before. The bottoms of our feet were badly cut so it was hard to walk, our hands were sore and scraped up so it ... Read more >

DAY 103. Cursed By Cruisers Again

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 6 Feb 2017 | Views [310]

We left Tauranga and drove a few hours north to Auckland. There weren't many places open because it was another New Zealand holiday, Waitangi Day, pretty much the equivalent to the US's Fourth of July. It's the day that the Treaty was signed, the document ... Read more >

DAY 102. Tauranga Take Four

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 5 Feb 2017 | Views [338]

We left Taupo and headed north to Tauranga. On our way, we stopped at Kerosene Creek, the same warm river I'd been to before. It was fun to hang out in it again. Once we were on the coast, we stopped at the beach in the Mt Maunganui area and hung out ... Read more >

DAY 101. The Mighty Tongariro Crossing

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 4 Feb 2017 | Views [357]

Our alarms started going off at 5am, it was still dark out and incredibly foggy. We made a hearty breakfast, changed, and got our packs together. 20 minutes away was the trailhead for the Tongariro Crossing. A good part of the big parking lot was already ... Read more >

DAY 100. Beautiful Mountains

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 3 Feb 2017 | Views [288]

We left Palmerston North and headed towards Taupo. It was an amazing sunny day as we drove next to Mr Ruapehu, which was snow capped and I believe it's the north island's tallest mountain. Next to it is Mt Ngauruhoe, also known as Mt Doom from the Lord ... Read more >

DAY 99. See Ya Later South Island

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 2 Feb 2017 | Views [294]

We sleepily rolled out of our tent, packed it up and walked down the hill to the hostel. Everyone was still sound asleep and so we retrieved our stuff in the campers room and our food from the kitchen. I left a note for everyone and we were on our way ... Read more >

DAY 98. Bittersweet Goodbyes

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 1 Feb 2017 | Views [330]

It wasn't particularly sunny on this day so we mainly stayed inside on our final day at the hostel, soaking up more of its good vibes and visiting with everyone. I am seriously going to miss the crap out of this place. We watched a few movies, I showered, ... Read more >

DAY 97. Who Needs Switchbacks

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 31 Jan 2017 | Views [334]

I woke up early because I knew Melody and Alex were going to make crepes for breakfast. They turned out really good and there was a group of us that ate together. Everyone was hanging out then I proposed to Cassela and Michealla a hike. We packed up ... Read more >

DAY 96. Nelson Day

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 30 Jan 2017 | Views [359]

After waking up, I headed to the city center to run some errands and to shop. It was nice to be out of the house on my own and to be a bit productive. Since Nelson is pretty small, I still ran into people from the hostel, however. It was Nelson Day, ... Read more >

DAY 95. Hail Heath Ledger

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 29 Jan 2017 | Views [273]

We had breakfast then went to the beach. It was quite cold with the breeze and we all ended up napping. We left, made lunch back at the hostel, and watched a movie. Priya's boyfriend was here from Wellington and he does tattooing so Cassela decided to ... Read more >

DAY 94. My Worst Morning. Ever.

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 28 Jan 2017 | Views [251]

I woke up around 8 or 9 with the most horrible headache and stomach ache of my life. This hangover was absolutely awful. I really didn't think I was every going to feel better again. And I was going to die. Between then and 2pm, I got up about 10-12 ... Read more >


NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 27 Jan 2017 | Views [335]

I slept in late, had coffee and then we went off to the store. We came back and made a bunch of food including cupcakes. I miss baking in a real kitchen so I had fun making and frosting them even though it was from a box. We also made shepherds pie and ... Read more >

DAY 92. Hang Out Day

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 26 Jan 2017 | Views [343]

We woke up and moved out of our dorm room. We had breakfast then went down to the city center. We shopped around for quite awhile then went back to the hostel. We made food, hung out and I showered. I hung out for awhile with Melody, a French girl who ... Read more >

DAY 91. Cassela's Feeling 22

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 25 Jan 2017 | Views [358]

I woke up at 7:40am, awhile after Michealla did and we got things ready for Cassela's birthday while she was still sleeping. Michealla baked the cake while I blew up balloons and fluffed out big pom pom balls. We decorated the outdoor lounging area with ... Read more >

DAY 90. Family BBQ

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 24 Jan 2017 | Views [337]

We cruised out of Murchison and arrived in Nelson. We headed straight for Otto's Backpackers and it was so nice to be back. We caught up with him as well as the others who we met a few weeks back and it was great to see some familiar faces. We hung out ... Read more >

DAY 89. Camping on the River

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 23 Jan 2017 | Views [329]

We left Greymouth and headed to Westport, it was a beautiful sunny day to drive along the gorgeous coast. Though windy, we still went to the beach and made lunches. On our way towards Murchison, we listened to a podcast which was a great change from ... Read more >

DAY 88. Keeping Things Interesting

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 22 Jan 2017 | Views [251]

We slept in, packed up camp, had breakfast and drove out of Fox Glacier. We stopped near the Franz Josef Glacier then continued on to Hokitika and checked out the beach and then went to buy groceries. We made lunch and left the little town. The coast ... Read more >

DAY 87. The True Rainy New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 21 Jan 2017 | Views [324]

We left the holiday park and went to a cafe for breakfast that was kind of out of town and in a small mall complex. I stopped into Countdown then we were on our way. I drove through Wanaka and up the lake for a few hours while the other two napped. I ... Read more >

DAY 86. Accomplishing Items on the Bucketlist

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 20 Jan 2017 | Views [349]

While we had breakfast, we booked our tickets for the luge ride and our time slot to Skydive in Wanaka. We walked a short ways from our camp and got in the long line to go up the gondola. The view of Queenstown from high up on the mountain was incredible ... Read more >

DAY 85. Movie Night

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 19 Jan 2017 | Views [314]

We all slept horribly because it was freezing and windy last night so we slept in as much as we could. I woke up after awhile and showered then had breakfast. We did a whole lot of nothing since it was stormy and rainy out again. We had soup for lunch ... Read more >

DAY 84. Rainy Q-Town

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 18 Jan 2017 | Views [336]

We woke up in hopes of doing fun Queenstown activities (extreme swing/bungy, gondola and luge rides, mtn biking, etc) but instead it was down pouring. I was pretty bummed out that we were in such a fun, amazing, beautiful city and the weather wasn't ... Read more >

DAY 83. Best Burgers & Cheap Bombs

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 17 Jan 2017 | Views [328]

In the morning, we went to Puzzling World. It had cool illusion rooms and a big outdoor maze. The illusion rooms were probably my favorite and we kind of gave up on the maze after awhile. After, we went to the beautiful Rippon Winery that overlooked ... Read more >

DAY 82. Mount Nope

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 16 Jan 2017 | Views [273]

We gassed up and headed inland. The drive to Lake Tekapo was gorgeous and even though it was a bit cloudy, the lake was still beautiful. I didn't expect this area to be established but it sure was with shops, lodges, and homes. We stopped and took pictures ... Read more >

DAY 81. Beach Day

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 15 Jan 2017 | Views [250]

We left the house and went for breakfast. We headed out of Christchurch and drove an hour or two south to the town of Timaru. First thing we did was go to the beach. It was a busy Sunday afternoon there and a lot of people were enjoying the warm day.... Read more >

DAY 80. Recovery Day

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 14 Jan 2017 | Views [353]

We drove towards the water and found a cafe for breakfast. We continued walking down the same street where a little market was going on. There was also a small carnival next to the beach that we checked out but it wasn't worth hanging around for. After ... Read more >

DAY 79. Pancakes & Pong

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 13 Jan 2017 | Views [259]

I made pancakes for breakfast and then we made sure the coastal highway was open before we headed towards Christchurch. We drove along the water and saw all the slips that construction crews were working on. It was cool to see in person all the areas ... Read more >

DAY 78. Didn't Expect to Make it to This Eastern Town

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 12 Jan 2017 | Views [324]

I woke up to an insane windstorm. It was so loud I thought the world was coming to an end and it was blowing so hard it was smashing the tent down on us. We made breakfast and headed to the springs. It was really busy but we got our tickets, changed, ... Read more >

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