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Honeymooners We travel, we see sights of awe. Home is where the heart is. My heart is with Briel.

Trip: Europe

There are [38] stories from my trip: Europe


POLAND | Wednesday, 24 Oct 2007 | Views [1700]

Today we went to visit Auschwitz. Before I get into how it made us feel. Some facts: Don't take the tour from the hotel or hostels. Go to the main Train station, there is also a bus stop. Catch a bus for 7 PLN direct to the camp. 14 return. Then 26 ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Jewish Quarter-Krakow

POLAND | Tuesday, 23 Oct 2007 | Views [1205]

Did I mention we are in the city of Krakow? Well this little city is a jewel of old buildings. We walked today around the old Jewish Quarter mainly. Saw the old cemetry, which even Briel had never seen these styles of graves before. They were tall ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

First Impressions - POLAND

POLAND | Monday, 22 Oct 2007 | Views [1137]

As we left the Krakow airport terminal area we of course made the crazy mistake of not changing any money. hehe so we try to board the train to the main city and pay with euros.  They would let us... but they gave us a crazy exchange rate... Normally ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Ciao Amsterdam!

NETHERLANDS | Monday, 22 Oct 2007 | Views [807]

This morning was by far the hardest goodbye yet. Pere and Rene - who have been our family here in Amsterdam. We thought we would have more time with them, but with the great last minute flight we found, it was cut short. We woke up early and Rene ... Read more >

Tags: Tears...

Looks like SO long!

NETHERLANDS | Sunday, 21 Oct 2007 | Views [778]

Found a cheap flight to Krakow.  We always wanted to go see the concentration camp here - so we're off tomorrow! Ran around saying goodbyes to Mario, Robert, and the guys from Kickboxing. Felt so sick by the evening I passed out.  Had to cancel with ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Fun with Friends

NETHERLANDS | Sunday, 21 Oct 2007 | Views [571]

Today we cooked dumpling soup, butter chicken for Peter, Rolana, Ria and Angie. It was great for them to come over Pere and Rene's to visit with us. Was great to see them in such a relaxed atmosphere. Started to feel sick today though. Passed out ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Gallery: We've Graduated! YIPPEE

NETHERLANDS | Saturday, 20 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

Graduation night
See all 17 photos >>

My Speech!

NETHERLANDS | Saturday, 20 Oct 2007 | Views [928] | Video

Well is is my speech... Briel and I can't express how much we owe to DR Wang. If your ever in need of a great DR. --- he is your man!

Tags: People


NETHERLANDS | Saturday, 20 Oct 2007 | Views [1027] | Comments [2]

Briel and I went to our Graduation ceromony last night. It was more special than I ever thought I could imagine. I first thought of it as just a piece of paper, but receiving the Diploma and certificates with Briel, my classmates and professors was ... Read more >

Tags: Hallmark Moments


NETHERLANDS | Friday, 19 Oct 2007 | Views [812]

I had not heard from HR about my resignation (after sending an email, letter and a phone call). So since my plans for travel are a bit crazy and can change any minute - Pere and I decided to go see HR for ourselves in De Meern. Pere thought it was ... Read more >

Tags: Work


NETHERLANDS | Wednesday, 17 Oct 2007 | Views [844]

It was very easy to leave the cats behind with Pere and Rene while we went off to get married etc etc...  However it was SO difficult to leave them in the hands of someone I didn't know to fly them across the world. They were complete angles this morning, ... Read more >

Tags: Tears...

Gallery: Carlo&Milo

NETHERLANDS | Wednesday, 17 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

Our Babies
See all 10 photos >>


NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 16 Oct 2007 | Views [841]

This photo is a favourite - the day Briel and I got pierced together (me navel, him upper ear)...  But.. The decision is now final.  I let work know that I can no longer return to work.  It was sad to go to the office to do this.  There are so many ... Read more >

Tags: Tears...

Unforgettable Yacov

CYPRUS | Saturday, 13 Oct 2007 | Views [1894] | Video

A special THANKYOU to Briel's father. He bought me and everyone else to tears with such amazing trumpet playing. He really is a genius. He composed and played the piece himself. You need to watch and listen to understand....

Tags: Hallmark Moments

Gallery: Fairytale Castles

GERMANY | Friday, 12 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

King Ludovic of Bavaria castles
See all 11 photos >>

FairyTales Castles

GERMANY | Friday, 12 Oct 2007 | Views [1567]

Well I went on Tuesday to a fairytale like castle outside of Munich. It was in Bavarian countrysode, for the King Ludvic who was reputed to be gay, insane and died of un-natural causes! He spent his life making castles! 2 weere completed, this one ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: October Beer Fest

GERMANY | Tuesday, 9 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 16 photos >>

October Beer Fest

GERMANY | Tuesday, 9 Oct 2007 | Views [7147]

Well I said the other day I would never drink again! But only 2 days later we are in Munich-Germany. With the perfect timing for the last day of the beer fest! What a beer fest it was. The crazy drunken people, the German dames carrying 10x 1 Litre ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

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