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FairyTales Castles

GERMANY | Friday, 12 October 2007 | Views [1569]

Well I went on Tuesday to a fairytale like castle outside of Munich. It was in Bavarian countrysode, for the King Ludvic who was reputed to be gay, insane and died of un-natural causes! He spent his life making castles! 2 weere completed, this one was almost completed before he died and the 4th was only in the planning stages!

He dedicated this castle to a musican friend of his - were every room was dedicated to a different song or orpera of his friends. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were lovers maybe hehe....

In anycase, the king had a love for swans, so the entire castle is white, with swans and very very grand. It was the prettiest castle I have ever seen and almost all of it was the original carvings, paint and stones. The lake surounding the castle was jade luster and just so dreamy. It was quiet, fresh and really delicious country side. I would be able to live there except for the bordem factor I would experience!

Today spent the day in Munich. It is a charming and wealthy city. Very clean and organised. Bought a pair of great going out pants for 4.95 euors, a pair of shorts for 1 euros and a pair of cargos for 9.95. Best deals I ever seen in Eruope! hehe I realise now that 1 pair of jeans for an entire year is just not enough! ooopppsssss

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