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Hobbes: "Let's go exploring."

Trip: Solo in Viet Nam

There are [19] stories from my trip: Solo in Viet Nam

Gallery: Viet Nam 2006

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 1 Feb 2006 | Photo Gallery

3 weeks solo in Viet Nam
See all 185 photos >>

My "Groundhog Day"

USA | Friday, 20 Jan 2006 | Views [761]

11:18 PM  CST My "Groundhog Day" You know that movie Groundhog Day?  The one about the guy who has to relive Groundhog Day every day until he gets it right?  Well, that guy was me on the 19th, but unlike the movie, I wasn't able to do ... Read more >

Tags: jet lag

Food Food Food...

VIETNAM | Thursday, 19 Jan 2006 | Views [2115]

1-2-06   4:48 PM Food, food, interesting food... In no particular order... * sticky rice with boiled peanuts * green sticky rice * two soups (one with some gray meatballs of some sort that had a REALLY spicy aftertaste) * breaded fish (with the ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local cuisine, vietnam


USA | Thursday, 19 Jan 2006 | Views [728]

12:02 PM (again...) CST Reflections... I actually did it!  I traveled to a very foreign country all by myself for three whole weeks!  I was happy, sad, physically sick, mentally and physically exhausted.  I had a good cry here and there - maybe ... Read more >

Tags: musings, vietnam

The Next Mozart

SOUTH KOREA | Thursday, 19 Jan 2006 | Views [870]

Location: Flight - Seoul to Chicago 9:44 PM Korea time I met this Canadian guy in the Hanoi airport, and as we enjoyed each other's English-speaking abilities, he asked me one of the classic questions regarding flying: "Would you rather ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Royally Duped

VIETNAM | Thursday, 19 Jan 2006 | Views [852]

I sure know how to pick transportation.  I wanted to go for a cyclo ride yesterday (the 18th) because I'd never been on one yet (and my feet hurt).  A cyclo is like a bicycle with a big seat in front, and a guy will pedal you around the city for a ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local transit, i should have known better!, vietnam

The Greatest Adventure!

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 17 Jan 2006 | Views [1303] | Video

How is it that a 4 foot Vietnamese boy of eight can cross the street and end up on the other side without a scratch when, somehow, nobody can see all 5 feet 10 inches of me coming?  I don't have an answer for that, but it's always an adventure crossing ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local transit, planes trains & automobiles, vietnam

Hotel Life

VIETNAM | Saturday, 14 Jan 2006 | Views [2110]

The most traumatic part of any trip, I think, is finding a hotel. Hue greeted me from my overnight train ride with a downpour.  Even with my rainjacket, I was soaked to the skin by the time I found a cab.  In the meantime, young men paid to take ... Read more >

Tags: home away from home, i should have known better!, vietnam

The Simple Made Impossible

VIETNAM | Thursday, 12 Jan 2006 | Views [765]

In Hoi An there are a ton of book exchange stores with English books, so I went in to get a new one today and all - and I mean ALL - the books were photocopies!  They had color covers, but the pages were all cheap photocopy paper.  Now, in Viet Nam ... Read more >

Tags: i should have known better!, vietnam


VIETNAM | Sunday, 8 Jan 2006 | Views [567]

Religious "Freedom" and Discrimination Part of some agreement between the US and the new Communist government after the war was that the new Viet Nam must have religious freedom. The government says there is today, but on ... Read more >

Tags: culture, vietnam

Major Change of Plans

VIETNAM | Saturday, 7 Jan 2006 | Views [1146]

So I didn't make it to Halong City .  Don't worry, nothing bad happened.  I was on the bus from Thai Nguyen on my way out of town when I got this bad feeling that something wasn't quite right.  I've had the feeling before, and nothing good ever ... Read more >

Tags: culture, people, vietnam

How to...

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 4 Jan 2006 | Views [658]

How to Buy a Car or Motorbike in Viet Nam 1.) Check the horn. How to Cross the Street in Viet Nam 1.) Remember mom telling you to "Look both ways and always walk on a crosswalk"? Well, forget it. 2.) Look left 3.) ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local transit, vietnam

New Year in Hanoi

VIETNAM | Saturday, 31 Dec 2005 | Views [575]

12-31-2005   10:23 PM , Hanoi, Viet Nam Happy New Year! I'm 11 hours ahead of the Midwest , so we only have 2 more hours to go, but I hope everyone there has a good one.  I've finally updated my Itinerary with more specific places, so check ... Read more >

Tags: food & eating, vietnam

Almost there!

SOUTH KOREA | Friday, 30 Dec 2005 | Views [688]

12-30-2005  6:08 PM, Seoul, South Korea So I'm sitting in Seoul, South Korea and I have an hour and a half before my next flight.  It is currently 3:08 AM in the American Midwest and I have been awake for a full 24 hours now and I still have at ... Read more >

Tags: airports, vietnam

To Do List...

USA | Friday, 9 Dec 2005 | Views [404]

12-9-2005  10:45 PM CST TO DO: (in no particular order) Pull off a never-been-done-before writing workshop for pK-6th grade kids Study for and take 3 tests Turn in 1 paper, 1 journal (that I didn't know about), 1 evaluation, and 2 projects Attend ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

A Girl and her Pack

USA | Monday, 5 Dec 2005 | Views [409]

12-5-2005 A Girl and her Pack Three weeks. Less than one month until I leave to take my first solo trip to another country: Viet Nam . Am I excited? You bet! Am I nervous? You bet! Am I worried about bird flu? Nah. Mom's more worried than ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Viet Nam preparations!

USA | Tuesday, 15 Nov 2005 | Views [527]

Depart USA : Dec. 29, 6:30 am from Madison, WI Connect through Atlanta, GA and Seoul, Korea Arrive in Viet Nam : Dec. 30, 10:30 pm at Hanoi, Viet Nam 25 hour flight = 40 hours due to time zone changes ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase, vietnam

Viet Nam Project Summary

USA | Tuesday, 8 Nov 2005 | Views [622]

Getting Past the War: Portraying the True Viet Nam In the Spring of 2005, I was awarded an International Undergraduate Research Grant from UWL so that I could travel to Viet Nam to do research for a book I plan to write. While participating ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase, vietnam

Useful Viet Nam Info

USA | Sunday, 9 Jan 2005 | Views [377]

Viet Nam info: * 13 hours AHEAD of Central Time Zone (sorry, I've been wrong all this time...) * Around 1600km long (you can do the math to miles) making the country a little larger than Italy and a little smaller than Japan * Exchange Rate: $1 ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase