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Pack Light Walk Slow Calvin: "It's a magical world out there Hobbes, ol' buddy.

Hobbes: "Let's go exploring."


There are [0] photos and [5] stories about China

Musing upon the number 1.3 billion

Tuesday, 24 Sep 2002 | Views [590]

Beijing to Hong Kong: Yay! Wendy feels better today!  I still feel a little warm and I'm not moving too fast, but at least I can move.  We are flying to Hong Kong today and so far, this airport business is pretty rediculous.  I will restate my creed ... Read more >

Tags: china, culture, musings

Montezuma's Revenge

Monday, 23 Sep 2002 | Views [1499]

Ugh...Today was definitely NOT a good day.  I came down with my first ever case of, well, you can guess.  We went to the Hard Rock Cafe last night to answer the craving for American food, but this morning I discovered it wasn't worth the effort.  I should ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local cuisine, china

The Great Wall!

Sunday, 22 Sep 2002 | Views [1157]

The Great Wall is so amazing!  It's surreal to think I was standing on one of the seven great wonders of the world!  To get to the wall itself, you can either take a cable car up or climb 1,000 steps up the mountain.  We made the climb and the the view ... Read more >

Tags: china, once in a lifetime, the great wall

Beijing: Day 1

Saturday, 21 Sep 2002 | Views [516]

Imagine a group of 100 college students trying to make it through an airport together to fly to Beijin, not able to read or understand anything.  Sound chaotic?  I've decided I don't like groups of more than two people. Today we went to the Summer Palace ... Read more >

Tags: china, sightseeing

Queue up? Not here!

Friday, 20 Sep 2002 | Views [1235]

The concept of a "line" does not exist in China. On our way back to the ship after wandering around Shanghai for the day, we decided to try out the bus.  We found the bus stop and stood patiently on the curb waiting for the next bus.  When ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local transit, china



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