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Pack Light Walk Slow Calvin: "It's a magical world out there Hobbes, ol' buddy.

Hobbes: "Let's go exploring."


There are [0] photos and [2] stories about India

The Taj Mahal

Thursday, 17 Oct 2002 | Views [1361]

The Taj Mahal is just as spectacular as the postcards say!   We’re told Taj means crown and Mahal means palace, and it really is an architectural wonder.   It is built of native red sandstone covered with white marble; it took 3 years to build ... Read more >

Tags: india, once in a lifetime, taj mahal


Tuesday, 15 Oct 2002 | Views [526]

India’s a hard place to figure out.   It’s so poor here, but everybody I’ve talked to seems happy for the most part.   Driving to the airport this morning at 5am, I saw so many people camped out on the sidewalks.   I’m told that over 700,000 of ... Read more >

Tags: india, musings



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