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Pack Light Walk Slow Calvin: "It's a magical world out there Hobbes, ol' buddy.

Hobbes: "Let's go exploring."

Trip: Jamaica '06

There are [3] stories from my trip: Jamaica '06

Gallery: Jamaica 2006

JAMAICA | Saturday, 25 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

Service trip to Jamaica, March 2006
See all 74 photos >>

Poetry and Soul

JAMAICA | Wednesday, 22 Mar 2006 | Views [851]

Poetry and Soul It's in the mountaintops billowing with bamboo fires, A tiny black hand wrapped around my clumsy white finger, A bright yellow school brimming with little-girl kisses. It's in a soccer game, a race, the gift of a pencil. It's sitting ... Read more >

Tags: jamaica, Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)

Jamaica: Mar 12-18, 2006

JAMAICA | Sunday, 19 Mar 2006 | Views [1837] | Comments [1]

This year for spring break, instead of spending the week being lazy or even cleaning my apartment (which, unfortunately, I still need to do), I had the unparalleled opportunity to spend the week in Negril, Jamaica with a group of wonderful ... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine, culture, jamaica, musings