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Pack Light Walk Slow Calvin: "It's a magical world out there Hobbes, ol' buddy.

Hobbes: "Let's go exploring."

Trip: 'Round the World in 100 Days

There are [36] stories from my trip: 'Round the World in 100 Days


VIETNAM | Tuesday, 16 Nov 2004 | Views [641]

    Ming “Hey Lady, want to buy some gum?” I ignore the haggling voices and keep looking through the pictures I’d just picked up from the Kodak store between to the old lady selling rice hats, “Three for a dollar!” and the traditional Vietnamese ... Read more >

Tags: vietnam, Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)


SOUTH AFRICA | Wednesday, 3 Nov 2004 | Views [1497]

Tavia Cruising the chilly streets of Crossroads Township , the bus winding its way to the tiny bar where they wanted us to spend money, we babbled on about the traditional music and food we’d just experienced on our tour of this ... Read more >

Tags: south africa, Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)

The Unknown

VIETNAM | Saturday, 23 Oct 2004 | Views [482]

The Unknown War Remnants Museum Saigon, Viet Nam I fell in love with your picture - those eyes so pale pallid scruff of mud-streaked beard cigarette idle taste of blood gone stale. But it's there in your eyes - that fear drowning in memory It's there ... Read more >

Tags: vietnam, Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)


VIETNAM | Tuesday, 5 Oct 2004 | Views [1131]

  Ti                                                                               I wasn’t searching for forgiveness, but it happened while wandering solo in the dusty, humid, roaring, poor, beautiful city of Ho Chi Minh ... Read more >

Tags: vietnam, Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)

Solo for a Day

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 23 Sep 2003 | Views [703]

Solo Saigon.   The name rolls over my tongue like the sweet tang of an exotic fruit.   Saigon.   A word full of romance and war, love and suffering.   It’s a word that, once experienced, becomes a part of you forever, imbedded in the deepest ... Read more >

Tags: vietnam, Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)

Pink Faith

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 4 Jan 2003 | Views [482]

Pink Faith             “He talked less and drank more.   It was supposed to be the same…the same.”             The subway jolted while snaking its way through the London underground.   I dared a glance at the little woman shuffling ... Read more >

Tags: london, Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)


WORLDWIDE | Wednesday, 1 Jan 2003 | Views [662]

Lessons that took a trip around the world to learn... ~ Look out the window ~ People don't always say what they mean, or mean what they say. ~ Sign language gets really creative when you're having fun! ~ Fidel's a funny guy - for a dictator. ~ Leave ... Read more >

Tags: musings

Back to the States...

USA | Monday, 9 Dec 2002 | Views [484]

I’m really going to miss the sense of community we have all developed during our three month adventure.   The friends I’ve made on this trip have become some of the closest I think I’ve ever had, and I never believed that I’d meet people who feel ... Read more >

Tags: Musings

Last Day on the Ship

WORLDWIDE | Sunday, 8 Dec 2002 | Views [515]

It’s so sad to be packing!   I’m packing first because there’s a three foot pile o’ crap along the left wall that’s not mine, and the dresser is covered with more stuff that’s not mine.   I have a little chair at the end of my bed and my closet, so ... Read more >

Tags: Packing & gadgets

Last Day in Cuba

CUBA | Saturday, 7 Dec 2002 | Views [608]

Our last day included some shopping and a “girl’s night” on the plaza :)   Katrina, me, Laura and Lauren got a bottle of cheap wine and took it to a nice restaurant and had a great last meal together.   No crying yet, but I’m sure tomorrow ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, party time

Conversations with Fidel Castro

CUBA | Thursday, 5 Dec 2002 | Views [1387]

Fidel notes: So we’re off to see Fidel!   Lloyd told us that he sometimes speaks for around 6 hours ! Prompt! He apologized for being 3 minutes late! Lloyd introduced President Castro Barbara Walters once said “Castro spoke fondly of ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, fidel castro, once in a lifetime


CUBA | Wednesday, 4 Dec 2002 | Views [844]

It’s so strange to actually be in a place where we’re not supposed to be and where not everybody assumes we’re American because they’re not used to seeing Americanos.   The only reason we’re able to come here is because we have an academic invitation ... Read more >

Tags: cuba, culture

Salvador and Lencois, Brazil

BRAZIL | Sunday, 24 Nov 2002 | Views [511]

Brazil: A country of spontaneity and unplanned events! Welcome reception including great food and an exciting Capoeira demonstration, a Brazilian martial arts dance.   Night bus ride to Lencois, a safe, quaint little town with good hiking ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, brazil

The Photos

VIETNAM | Saturday, 23 Nov 2002 | Views [646]

The Photos War Remnants Museum Saigon, Viet Nam October 1, 2002 A child runs in the street, her naked body ignored by everyone but the photographer.   Burning arms outstretched as if she would fly away if she could.   ... Read more >

Tags: vietnam, Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)

To Mom and Dad...

WORLDWIDE | Saturday, 16 Nov 2002 | Views [507]

To Mom and Dad: I saw the red dust of Kenya      and missed crumbling the rich black earth through my fingers. I waded in the rice paddies of Japan      and imagined golden fields waving against a cloudless summer sky. I hiked a rugged canyon in South ... Read more >

Tags: Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)


SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 11 Nov 2002 | Views [514]

I promptly passed out on my bed before even taking a shower after that hike, and I wish I could say I got to sleep hard all night, but I had to get up for an “faculty directed program” to a township.   Though I contemplated skipping it to sleep, I’m ... Read more >

Tags: culture, south africa

The best cure for a hangover...

SOUTH AFRICA | Sunday, 10 Nov 2002 | Views [716]

…is 2 PB&J sandwiches and a 5 hour hike up a mountain.   That second night was an interesting one, to say the least!   Katrina, Pat, John and I went wandering around the port area barhopping looking for a cool place to spend the evening.... Read more >

Tags: once in a lifetime, south africa

Cape Town

SOUTH AFRICA | Saturday, 9 Nov 2002 | Views [546]

11/9/02 I love Cape Town!   The first day, Katie and I just wandered around the city for a while trying to set up a couple hiking trips.   The best part of the day was when we went to Lola’s, this cute little gay/lesbian veggie restaurant on ... Read more >

Tags: sightseeing, south africa


KENYA | Wednesday, 30 Oct 2002 | Views [526]

We’re on our way back to Mombasa and my clothes, hair and shoes are caked with dust, my face is a nice mud pack, and I can feel grit in my teeth, but I’ve never been happier.   I saw elephants, zebras, warthogs, dik diks, bushbucks, waterbucks, hippos, ... Read more >

Tags: kenya, musings, on safari

On Safari!

KENYA | Tuesday, 29 Oct 2002 | Views [752]

Going on safari!   I finally get to see if these animals really do exist outside of zoos!   I’ve visited Hiroshima, climbed the Great Wall, photographed Hong Kong at night, lounged on the beaches of Malaysia, visited the Taj Mahal, crossed the equator, ... Read more >

Tags: kenya, on safari, once in a lifetime

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