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Pack Light Walk Slow Calvin: "It's a magical world out there Hobbes, ol' buddy.

Hobbes: "Let's go exploring."

Trip: Traveller Reunions

There are [7] stories from my trip: Traveller Reunions

Gallery: California 4-08

USA | Sunday, 4 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

San Francisco & Wine Country
See all 35 photos >>

Gallery: Colorado 12-2007

USA | Monday, 10 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

A visit to see Tim in Colorado turns into a test of my winter driving skills. Theme: "Racing the Snow." Phrase of the week: "Nebraska hates me."
See all 68 photos >>

"Racing the Snow" OR "Nebraska Hates Me"

USA | Monday, 10 Dec 2007 | Views [1389]

Home again, a day late but safe and sound.  I had a wonderful time in Colorado. I absolutely love it out there for its beautiful scenery that makes you feel so small and cozy, and for the mountain culture - it feels like a small town, young, outdoorsy, ... Read more >

Tags: nebraska, on the road

Driving off into the sunset!

USA | Saturday, 1 Dec 2007 | Views [923]

In about 4 hours I'll be driving off into the sunset for a week of snow capped paradise. I'm so excited I can't sit still! The thought of driving through the flatlands of Nebraska and eastern Colorado is daunting, but the sight of the mountains in the ... Read more >

Tags: colorado, on the road

Road Trip 2007!

USA | Friday, 26 Oct 2007 | Views [1129] | Comments [2]

Road Trip 2007! Colorado here I come! Dec 1-6 and though it's a long ways off, it feels so good to have something to look forward to at this time of year!  College football and Thanksgiving just don't cut it most days.  I'm going to road trip out there ... Read more >

Tags: colorado, the planning phase

A Real Vacation!

MEXICO | Thursday, 22 Jun 2006 | Views [1049]

June 2-11, 2006 Here's the latest update on where I've been in the world.  From June 2-11, I was on vacation (yes, an actual vacation with no study, research or work agendas!).  From the 2nd to the 5th I visited family in the LA area, and it was ... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine, mexico

Gallery: Mexico Reunion!

MEXICO | Wednesday, 14 Jun 2006 | Photo Gallery

SAS reunion cruise to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
See all 143 photos >>