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Road Trip 2007!

USA | Friday, 26 October 2007 | Views [1177] | Comments [2]

Road Trip 2007!

Colorado here I come! Dec 1-6 and though it's a long ways off, it feels so good to have something to look forward to at this time of year!  College football and Thanksgiving just don't cut it most days.  I'm going to road trip out there visiting some friends and family along the way and stay with an old Semester at Sea buddy when I get there.  God Bless friends with extra (free) beds/couches/floors.

The plan:
12/1 - Drive to Lincoln, NE to stay with a friend. Drive time = 7 hours
12/2 - Drive to Denver, CO stopping at as many kitschy roadside tourist traps as humanly possible (for you Ma and Pa!) Drive time = 7 hours not including kitschy tourist trap rest stops.
12/2-12/4 - Tromp around in the mountains enjoying fresh air, snow (I'm assuming they'll have snow by that point, if not already), and I fully intend on making the boys breakfast at least one day as my rent (unless they cook better than me, in which case I will buck up and do dishes).
     To Do in CO:
     1) Re-learn how to walk in snowshoes
     2) Fall down a mountain with sticks strapped to my feet
     3) Make a snow angel :)
     4) Hope to get caught in a snowstorm so I don't have to go back to work!
12/5 - Drive to Des Moines, IA to visit my sis and a few friends. Stay with sis/a friend. Drive time = 9.5 hours (this stretch may need to be broken up somehow...another stop in Lincoln??)
12/6 - Trek through the barren flatlands of Iowa and Minnesota back to La Crosse. Drive time = 4 hours (thank the Iowan Powers that Be for increasing the speed limit!)  Upon arrival at home, promptly fall into bed.

Notes to self:
I will not check work email for 6 days! Whoo hoo!

This might be a good time to consider investing in an iPod. hmmm...

Tags: colorado, the planning phase



Ok, this sounds like so much fun!!! I hope you'll give me a when you're in DM.


  Candi Oct 30, 2007 1:21 AM


sounds like a fun packed trip - and making snow angels at the end...arrhh
geez i could use a holiday 8)

have fun

  Tom Nov 6, 2007 9:48 PM



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