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Pack Light Walk Slow Calvin: "It's a magical world out there Hobbes, ol' buddy.

Hobbes: "Let's go exploring."


There are [108] photos and [24] stories about USA

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Gallery: various

Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Autumn Sunday Afternoon

Thursday, 22 Oct 2009 | Views [697]

I picked an apple from the tree, walked down the hill a little way and stood among the pumpkins, idly turning one over with my foot now and then. Wandering down the rows, I bit into the fruit and wiped my sticky hands on my pants like when I was ... Read more >

Tags: autumn, hometown adventures

Survival of the Fittest (the 24-hour kind)

Thursday, 10 Sep 2009 | Views [1751] | Comments [2]

This article from the August 2008 National Geographic Adventure Magazine, “ How to Survive (Almost) Anything: 14 Survival Skills ,” talks about everyday survival skills, with a few exciting survival stories thrown in. Mostly though, it emphasizes ... Read more >

Tags: musing, national geographic, survival

NPR: This Just In...If You Dare To Watch

Wednesday, 24 Jun 2009 | Views [743]

"We might flinch, but we are now willing to watch someone die on television. For real. Not just as a work of dramatic fiction." I've heard it said that witnessing death profoundly changes a person, even to the point of breaking your soul ... Read more >

Tags: iran, neda, tehran, world issues

A Traveller's Quandary

Tuesday, 12 May 2009 | Views [1110]

Traveller vs. Tourist. Freedom vs. Itineraries. Blaze your own way vs. the Tour. It's too bad the two don't get along.  So I'm going to Scotland, and I found this tour  that I think I'd really enjoy. It goes to the places I want to go, it's green, ... Read more >

Tags: musings, solo travel, the planning phase

Committed: UK in May

Wednesday, 29 Apr 2009 | Views [797]

Where to next? Scotland and England, May 17-29! Airfare is rediculously cheap right now, and my travel fund has been replenished from 2 years of hard work and saving, and yet, for some reason, it was incredibly difficult to hit "purchase" ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

October Surprise

Saturday, 11 Oct 2008 | Views [791]

Driving home work work yesterday, I stopped along one of the many ridges because if I didn't I was going to drive off the road.  The sun was at that perfect angle where it lights up the hillside, and I realized the trees were having a party.  I wanted ... Read more >

Tags: autumn, on the road

Gallery: California 4-08

Sunday, 4 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

San Francisco & Wine Country
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New Year's Dream

Thursday, 27 Dec 2007 | Views [940]

Life. Life is ok right now. Not great, not bad. Just good. Nothing special. At times I like the "nothing specialness" because it means I'm at least not falling. But most of the time I don't because it means there's nothing to look forward ... Read more >

Tags: musings

Gallery: Colorado 12-2007

Monday, 10 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

A visit to see Tim in Colorado turns into a test of my winter driving skills. Theme: "Racing the Snow." Phrase of the week: "Nebraska hates me."
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"Racing the Snow" OR "Nebraska Hates Me"

Monday, 10 Dec 2007 | Views [1389]

Home again, a day late but safe and sound.  I had a wonderful time in Colorado. I absolutely love it out there for its beautiful scenery that makes you feel so small and cozy, and for the mountain culture - it feels like a small town, young, outdoorsy, ... Read more >

Tags: nebraska, on the road

Driving off into the sunset!

Saturday, 1 Dec 2007 | Views [923]

In about 4 hours I'll be driving off into the sunset for a week of snow capped paradise. I'm so excited I can't sit still! The thought of driving through the flatlands of Nebraska and eastern Colorado is daunting, but the sight of the mountains in the ... Read more >

Tags: colorado, on the road

Road Trip 2007!

Friday, 26 Oct 2007 | Views [1129] | Comments [2]

Road Trip 2007! Colorado here I come! Dec 1-6 and though it's a long ways off, it feels so good to have something to look forward to at this time of year!  College football and Thanksgiving just don't cut it most days.  I'm going to road trip out there ... Read more >

Tags: colorado, the planning phase


Tuesday, 23 Oct 2007 | Views [735]

The sky cried today as if mourning the summer's passing into the cool hands of the naked tree     alone in the browning field upon an endlessly wheeling Earth. The day has a sadness about it, as if bourne upon the fog and deposited in thick ... Read more >

Tags: Writings (true or otherwise, poetry or prose)


Thursday, 17 May 2007 | Views [687]

Some people say true happiness only exists in a state of ignorance.  I don't believe that. I am quite happy these days, and earlier this spring, the happiness did catch me off guard - I hadn't realized how un-happy I was this winter and the new feeling ... Read more >

Tags: musings

Working woman...

Friday, 20 Oct 2006 | Views [781]

Working woman... If you've been wondering where the travel updates have been lately, there haven't been any because I haven't been traveling. Sad, I know.  I'm devastated, but the loans need to be paid, and thus I've joined the real world and surprisingly, ... Read more >

Tags: Work

My "Groundhog Day"

Friday, 20 Jan 2006 | Views [751]

11:18 PM  CST My "Groundhog Day" You know that movie Groundhog Day?  The one about the guy who has to relive Groundhog Day every day until he gets it right?  Well, that guy was me on the 19th, but unlike the movie, I wasn't able to do ... Read more >

Tags: jet lag


Thursday, 19 Jan 2006 | Views [719]

12:02 PM (again...) CST Reflections... I actually did it!  I traveled to a very foreign country all by myself for three whole weeks!  I was happy, sad, physically sick, mentally and physically exhausted.  I had a good cry here and there - maybe ... Read more >

Tags: musings, vietnam

To Do List...

Friday, 9 Dec 2005 | Views [401]

12-9-2005  10:45 PM CST TO DO: (in no particular order) Pull off a never-been-done-before writing workshop for pK-6th grade kids Study for and take 3 tests Turn in 1 paper, 1 journal (that I didn't know about), 1 evaluation, and 2 projects Attend ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

A Girl and her Pack

Monday, 5 Dec 2005 | Views [406]

12-5-2005 A Girl and her Pack Three weeks. Less than one month until I leave to take my first solo trip to another country: Viet Nam . Am I excited? You bet! Am I nervous? You bet! Am I worried about bird flu? Nah. Mom's more worried than ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

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