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USA | Thursday, 17 May 2007 | Views [687]

Some people say true happiness only exists in a state of ignorance.  I don't believe that.

I am quite happy these days, and earlier this spring, the happiness did catch me off guard - I hadn't realized how un-happy I was this winter and the new feeling caught me by surprise - so I do agree that in some instances happiness comes without thought. 

But in day to day life, I've found it takes conscious effort to keep that happy state of being going (though that effort has been relatively effortless).  It's been about consciously appreciating the things going on, nature, job, friends, the good things that are happening and keeping the tough stuff in perspective with how big the rest of the world's problems are.  The fact my life is good right now is all the more meaningful during the times I notice that I'm stressed or unhappy and then immediately take a moment to look inside my head to put the problem in perspective, or smell the lilac bush, or go for a walk. 

I completely believe we are capable of creating our own happiness.  The surprise moments are wonderful and exhilarating, and very important to keeping life fun and spontaneous, but I don't believe we can fully appreciate the feeling when it's only by surprise or chance that we notice the happiness.  Outside stimuli (fun events, feelings, etc) eventually end and even happy memories fade with time, and even though those happiness-inducing times were very important to the quality of that moment, the happiness that exists through a mental state-of-being which we create in our selves (body/spirit/mind/soul - whatever you believe) is something no outside event or feeling can affect.  This kind of happiness is the most pure and long-lived.

Tags: musings



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