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Pack Light Walk Slow Calvin: "It's a magical world out there Hobbes, ol' buddy.

Hobbes: "Let's go exploring."


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "(mis)adventures in local transit".

Royally Duped

VIETNAM | Thursday, 19 Jan 2006 | Views [844]

I sure know how to pick transportation.  I wanted to go for a cyclo ride yesterday (the 18th) because I'd never been on one yet (and my feet hurt).  A cyclo is like a bicycle with a big seat in front, and a guy will pedal you around the city for a ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local transit, i should have known better!, vietnam

The Greatest Adventure!

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 17 Jan 2006 | Views [1295] | Video

How is it that a 4 foot Vietnamese boy of eight can cross the street and end up on the other side without a scratch when, somehow, nobody can see all 5 feet 10 inches of me coming?  I don't have an answer for that, but it's always an adventure crossing ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local transit, planes trains & automobiles, vietnam

How to...

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 4 Jan 2006 | Views [651]

How to Buy a Car or Motorbike in Viet Nam 1.) Check the horn. How to Cross the Street in Viet Nam 1.) Remember mom telling you to "Look both ways and always walk on a crosswalk"? Well, forget it. 2.) Look left 3.) ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local transit, vietnam

Queue up? Not here!

CHINA | Friday, 20 Sep 2002 | Views [1235]

The concept of a "line" does not exist in China. On our way back to the ship after wandering around Shanghai for the day, we decided to try out the bus.  We found the bus stop and stood patiently on the curb waiting for the next bus.  When ... Read more >

Tags: (mis)adventures in local transit, china

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