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The Woodies Travel

Day 70

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 25 Aug 2011 | Views [357]

I managed to miss the boredom of travelling the 130 or so km of the Hay plain by knitting! What made this part of the trip even worse was that it was very windy and so it was hard to get the speed to much above 80km hour. Did this part of Australia ... Read more >

Day 69

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 24 Aug 2011 | Views [291]

Well we did finally get to some very flat and boring countryside 75km from Hay and for most of the way there, however, the day started near Dubbo with undulating land that was beautifully green and gold due to the crops and with 'blue hills' in the background.... Read more >

Day 68

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 23 Aug 2011 | Views [506]

Don't believe everything your GPS tells you to do - trust your own instincts. Our GPS took us on a wild goose chase when we failed to see a sign to Moree while admiring an old hotel in Boggabilla. We thought the road didn't look right but when we turned ... Read more >

Day 67

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 22 Aug 2011 | Views [705]

The change in environment from Tallebudgera by the sea to the valleys and hills around Nerang and Canungra, to rainforest and mountains through Cunningham's Gap to the flatter farmland around Goondiwindi is almost a shock to the system. Queensland is ... Read more >

Days 65 & 66

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 21 Aug 2011 | Views [543]

It was a short drive from Brisbane to Tallebudgera Creek caravan park but with some very heavy traffic at times - four lanes and all absolutely full and going full pelt. We have become accustomed to country roads and towns not to mention Adelaide traffic ... Read more >

Days 63 & 64

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 19 Aug 2011 | Views [492] | Comments [1]

Sorry I have been a bit busy in Brisbane so will do two days together. We found the drive along the Bruce Highway from Forest Glen to Birkdale busy with traffic but quite manageable but then it got a bit scary once we reached the Gateway Bridge with ... Read more >

Day 62

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 17 Aug 2011 | Views [390] | Comments [1]

We did a little maintenance this morning - washing and cleaning - before heading off to meet my cousins Robyn and Lyn for lunch at the Sunshine Plaza shopping centre at Maroochydore, where a river flows through the shopping centre ( competition for ... Read more >

Day 61

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 16 Aug 2011 | Views [666]

This morning we headed for the hills - no I should say mountains as we kept on receiving messages of steep climbs and then later steep descents and they were steep! Our first stop was at Maleny where we wandered up and down Maple Street where I bought ... Read more >

Day 60

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 15 Aug 2011 | Views [613] | Comments [1]

We had an uneventful drive, although again with stops for roadworks, from Hervey Bay to Forest Glen in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. The caravan park is set in attractive grounds, very like a park, and is not as full as the caravan parks we have stayed ... Read more >

Photos: Noosa Heads

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 15 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Day 59

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 14 Aug 2011 | Views [506]

This morning we went to the Hervey Bay boat harbour area where there was a seafood festival. There were a variety of stalls with both crafts and food to buy as well as information booths about boat safety, using boats in a manner to maintain the evironment ... Read more >

Day 58

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 13 Aug 2011 | Views [272]

As we drove along this morning we were surrounded by smoke from the fires west of Rockhampton. The drive to Hervey Bay seemed to take a long time with various stops and slow downs due to roadworks. Queensland has an extensive network of roads and we have ... Read more >

Day 57

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 12 Aug 2011 | Views [312]

Today we did all the recommended sightseeing around Yeppoon. First port of all was Emu Park which is not far from where we are staying. The lookout there gave an excellent view of Great Keppell and surrounding islands as well as the bay nearby. There ... Read more >

Photos: Yeppoon

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 12 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Day 56

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 11 Aug 2011 | Views [297]

We had an uneventful trip from Clairview (where the sandflies bite) to Yeppoon, except that the GPS sent us on a short cut which was not ideal for a caravan. The caravan park is actually at Kinka Beach about 13kms from Yeppoon and one can see Great Keppel ... Read more >

Day 55

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 10 Aug 2011 | Views [721]

We left paradise this morning and it feels like we are heading for home. Our drive from Airlie Beach to Clairview Beach Holiday Park took about 4 hours. Clairview is a tiny area with a string of holiday homes along the beach and it does not even have ... Read more >

Dat 54

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 9 Aug 2011 | Views [289]

Today was very relaxed as after a bit of a sleep in and a chat with a neighbour we made the decision to do another, but shorter, cruise. The company Cruise Whitsundays transports tourists to various island resorts and also permits people to use their ... Read more >

Day 53

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [310] | Comments [1]

Today the sky was blue and there was no wind so we had chosen the perfect day for our cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. We had an early start and then a bus ride from the caravan park to Shute Harbour. The boat left at 8.00am for Hamilton Island where ... Read more >

Photos: Fantasea Reef Tour

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Day 52

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 7 Aug 2011 | Views [283]

Today we chatted with another neighbour in the park who has a problem with his car affecting the head of his engine and the gasket. He is expecting a bill of $5000 just as our neighbour in Townsville was expecting a bill close to $4000. We are keeping ... Read more >

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