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Tiger Temple

THAILAND | Saturday, 16 Feb 2008 | Views [19359] | Comments [5]

Today I visited the tiger temple in Kanchanaburi , where the Monks have taken in rescue tigers from the wild (orphans of poaching mostly) and created a breeding program and sanctuary for them. They are currently fund raising to build a bigger and more ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, animals

Hellfire Pass

THAILAND | Friday, 15 Feb 2008 | Views [3872] | Comments [7]

So in the afternoon, we drove up to see Hellfire pass, which is one of the deepest rock cuttings that the POW's had to make to complete the Thailand-Burma rail line in 1942-5 .  Having seen the museum already, this really nailed home the mammoth task ... Read more >

Tags: history, sightseeing, walking

Erawan falls

THAILAND | Friday, 15 Feb 2008 | Views [3349] | Comments [2]

I toyed with the idea of hiring a moped or using the standard bus to go to see Erawan falls today , but in the end plumped for a tour package. Once we arrived at the falls, it was clear that this was a much better choice, as the standard bus stops at ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, walking

Kanchanaburi town sights...

THAILAND | Thursday, 14 Feb 2008 | Views [1884] | Comments [2]

Today I visited the Kanchanaburi Death Railway museum and cemetery , which are within easy walking distance of my guest house (where I had the best museli, fruit & yoghurt yet for breakfast!). [ View from my room on the river ] The museum tells ... Read more >

Tags: history, sightseeing, walking

On to Kanchanaburi

THAILAND | Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008 | Views [1098] | Comments [4]

Last night I went back to the English pub where I blagged the poker game the night before, it had a nice atmosphere. I caught up with Sophie, who cashed out nicely from the game, and she proudly showed off her new nails courtesy of our cash, Lol! I ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Siam Ocean World Bangkok

THAILAND | Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008 | Views [6990] | Comments [1]

On Tuesday morning I visited the biggest aquarium in South East Asia, Siam Ocean World in the huge Paragon Plaza in Bangkok. It was about 11 quid for entry which included a drink, 4-d film and a glass bottomed boat ride over the main aquarium. The exhibits ... Read more >

Tags: animals, sightseeing

Found a cash poker game! (and dorms suck!)

THAILAND | Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008 | Views [1434] | Comments [3]

On Monday in Bangkok I treated myself to a cinema visit at the immense Paragon Plaza in the downtown area. This place puts American malls to shame, it is mahuuuuusive! I watched Cloverfield on the Imax screen... it was pretty cool. I'm going back ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Back to Bangkok

THAILAND | Monday, 11 Feb 2008 | Views [1109] | Comments [3]

Thanks to the awesome TV coverage on the hotel TV's of the prem games and the Six Nations, I didn't get to sleep until 1:30am, and had set the alarm for 6am to get up, pack and get to the airport for my 8:30 flight to Bangkok... Two of my thoughtful ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

The Russian market, Phnom Pehn

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 10 Feb 2008 | Views [3408] | Comments [1]

Today Bex, David and I said a fond goodbye to Joanie after sharing breakfast and mega coffee near the hotel. It's sad to say goodbye... I hope she gets home safe and sound and without too much more suffering with her stomach! The three of us went off ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, markets, walking

War museum and killing fields...

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 9 Feb 2008 | Views [3400] | Comments [4]

On Saturday we went to see the war museum in Phnom Pehn , and the killing fields just outside. I didn't really know what to expect from this, having not used a book on Cambodia or looking into it at all before my trip, and also as this recent history ... Read more >

Tags: history, sightseeing, walking

Siem Reap to Phnom Pehn... by boat!

CAMBODIA | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [5838] | Comments [6]

Me and the gang moved from Siem Reap on to Cambodian capital, Phnom Pehn on Friday. we decided to try the ferry as an interesting trip, rather than another long bus ride. I didn't look into prices though, and the bus ride would have been loads cheaper! ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 7 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>

Two days at the temples...

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 7 Feb 2008 | Views [3634] | Comments [5]

Tuesday morning the four of us ( David and Bex , a couple out of Vancouver, Canada & Joanie , a lone traveler also from Canada) got a tuktuk driver for the day and set off to tour the temples. (There are clickable links in the text to my pictures, ... Read more >

Tags: history, sightseeing, walking

A day of grueling travel...

CAMBODIA | Monday, 4 Feb 2008 | Views [1305] | Comments [2]

I've not had a chance to update for a little while, so hopefully I don't miss much out! (This is a long read!) Monday I got up early to travel on to Cambodia. Typically on Sunday night I met some of the nicest people I've met so far who were from ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

England suck...

THAILAND | Sunday, 3 Feb 2008 | Views [1050] | Comments [5]

That's all. To make matters worse, I was in a pub full of Welsh people... sigh, cheers England. Pathetic performance.

Tags: I should have known better!

Cambodia travel arranged...

THAILAND | Saturday, 2 Feb 2008 | Views [1221]

On Monday I will leave for Cambodia, pickup at 7:50am for a 10-12 hour journey depending on road conditions and boarder crossing. I've also prebooked accomodation at a place that looks really nice and is super cheap, and they provide a free pickup ... Read more >

Tags: Onward planning

My Oakleys are broken...

THAILAND | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Views [693] | Comments [1]

... gutted! They cost me about 2 quid in Bangkok! I'm going to write to them and complain... and I've bought some Ray-bans now (also for 2 quid), lets hope these fare better, they seem better built! Lol I have nothing much to say so far today. I've ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Microlite flight over Koh Chang!!

THAILAND | Thursday, 31 Jan 2008 | Views [4179] | Comments [4]

(You may have to excuse excessive rambling and miss spelling in this entry, as since this afternoons activities, I have had two very large cocktails and 4 large beers... not to mention the fooking hot stir fry which is still burning my lips!) This afternoon, ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

A morning snorkeling

THAILAND | Thursday, 31 Jan 2008 | Views [1094] | Comments [4]

Got up at 7:30 after a good sleep and grabbed a very light breakfast of some small croissants and a coffee. Steve had boiled eggs, so he now has salmonella to go with his HIV, bird flu, sun burn and dodgy teeth! ;) We caught our ride to the speedboat, ... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine, snorkeling

Sunset from the beach and thoughts of moving on...

THAILAND | Wednesday, 30 Jan 2008 | Views [992] | Comments [1]

I had a really nice curry on the beach tonight, infront of the first sunset I've seen worthy of photographing ... the local kids were playing football on the beach too, which was quite amusing to watch. I could stay here for ages, its a great place.... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

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Me with the kids at Cawaro Village School during the Vitika Trek

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