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There are [0] photos and [11] stories tagged with "adventures".

Tribewanted's Vitika Trek November 8th - 15th, Vanua Levu, Fiji

FIJI | Sunday, 16 Nov 2008 | Views [1550]

On Saturday 8th November the first ever Tribewanted Vitika trek began from Labasa, Vanua Levu. Vitika roughly translates as 'cut a new path into Fiji', and this was exactly what we were going to do!   Five people from the island of Vorovoro ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, adventures, beach, fiji, jungle adventures, trek, trekking, vanua levu, vorovoro, walking

Able Tasman coastal kayaking!

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 20 May 2008 | Views [7074]

This morning I was picked up by one of the staff members of the Kiwi Kayaking company based in Marahau, in their own car, as they live in the village I was staying in. I was the only pick up from here, so it made sense! The rest of the people on the ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, animals, kayaking, the great outdoors

Adelaide to Alice... what a week!!

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 25 Apr 2008 | Views [2285] | Comments [1]

My tour from Adelaide to Alice springs turned out to be a fantastic week. As I said previously, I couldn't get on a tour before Friday the 18th, which was disappointing as I was bored with Adelaide, but it turned out to be so lucky as the group of people ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, animals, history, mountains, sightseeing, the great outdoors, walking

Blue Mountains and drunken Spaniards!!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 3 Apr 2008 | Views [2564] | Comments [4]

The morning didn't go entirely as planned... I was rudely awoken at 5:45am, and quite possibly in the rudest way. Ever. Yet more joys of shared dorms I guess... although this story will be hard to beat! The Spaniard in the bunk above mine hadn't spoken ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, adventures, I should have known better!, mountains, sightseeing, the great outdoors, walking

Cookery and Caving!

THAILAND | Friday, 28 Mar 2008 | Views [2456] | Comments [3]

My last day on Koh Lanta was excellent, first off I went to a Thai Cookery school that I'd spotted whilst out driving around the island on my scooter the day before. The kitchen looked really nice and the guy that ran it was superb. An added bonus was ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, adventures, animals, cooking

Elephants & Friends... my stay.

THAILAND | Sunday, 24 Feb 2008 | Views [8504] | Comments [17]

I'm back in Kanchanaburi town after 5 days at the Elephants & Friends sanctuary near Kanchanaburi. I have a lot of notes and pictures to go through, so this will be long, go get a cuppa!! This week has been incredible in so many ways. The people ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, animals

Elephant adventures...

THAILAND | Saturday, 23 Feb 2008 | Views [913] | Comments [3]

...will be online later today or tomorrow... I am shattered and can't be arsed to sit here for hours writing up all my notes yet! Sorry. Coming soon!! ;-) Most of my photos from the week are uploaded on my photobucket page, with some descriptions, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Erawan falls

THAILAND | Friday, 15 Feb 2008 | Views [3343] | Comments [2]

I toyed with the idea of hiring a moped or using the standard bus to go to see Erawan falls today , but in the end plumped for a tour package. Once we arrived at the falls, it was clear that this was a much better choice, as the standard bus stops at ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, walking

Found a cash poker game! (and dorms suck!)

THAILAND | Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008 | Views [1423] | Comments [3]

On Monday in Bangkok I treated myself to a cinema visit at the immense Paragon Plaza in the downtown area. This place puts American malls to shame, it is mahuuuuusive! I watched Cloverfield on the Imax screen... it was pretty cool. I'm going back ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Russian market, Phnom Pehn

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 10 Feb 2008 | Views [3398] | Comments [1]

Today Bex, David and I said a fond goodbye to Joanie after sharing breakfast and mega coffee near the hotel. It's sad to say goodbye... I hope she gets home safe and sound and without too much more suffering with her stomach! The three of us went off ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, markets, walking

Siem Reap to Phnom Pehn... by boat!

CAMBODIA | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [5826] | Comments [6]

Me and the gang moved from Siem Reap on to Cambodian capital, Phnom Pehn on Friday. we decided to try the ferry as an interesting trip, rather than another long bus ride. I didn't look into prices though, and the bus ride would have been loads cheaper! ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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