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Trip: Australia

There are [11] stories from my trip: Australia


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 28 Apr 2008 | Views [3590] | Comments [1]

Brisbane is another really nice city. I did plan on doing a few things from here, but time has been eaten up with nothing in particular and I'm more and more conscious of money (I'm spending too much!). I'm staying at another YHA hostel, which is not ... Read more >

Tags: onward planning, sightseeing, sport, the planning phase, walking

Adelaide to Alice... what a week!!

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 25 Apr 2008 | Views [2285] | Comments [1]

My tour from Adelaide to Alice springs turned out to be a fantastic week. As I said previously, I couldn't get on a tour before Friday the 18th, which was disappointing as I was bored with Adelaide, but it turned out to be so lucky as the group of people ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, animals, history, mountains, sightseeing, the great outdoors, walking


AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 13 Apr 2008 | Views [1219] | Comments [1]

Adelaide is another nice clean and well organised city, and I'm glad as I am stuck here until Friday! All of the popular tours are fully booked out by the students who are on a break at the moment, and so this is the earliest I can leave... The YHA ... Read more >

Tags: lazing, sightseeing, walking

Melbourne to Adelaide

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 10 Apr 2008 | Views [6540] | Comments [1]

Yet another stupid-o'clock start and yet another uncomfy Oz Experience bus, but at least this time I had some companions already so it wasn't going to be dull! Our new driver was an older bloke called Bryan, who was a bit more sensible than Andy from ... Read more >

Tags: animals, beaches & sunshine, mountains, on the road, sightseeing, walking


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 7 Apr 2008 | Views [33422]

Tuesday morning Nick, Katie and I went and walked the city and used the free tourist shuttle bus to get around some parts of the city. The feel of this place is really nice, similar to Sydney with old and new buildings mixed together nicely and a very ... Read more >

Tags: animals, history, sightseeing, walking

Sydney to Melbourne

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 5 Apr 2008 | Views [2206]

At stupid o'clock I was outside the hostel in Sydney waiting for the bus, and not really knowing what to expect from this trip. I was one of the last on the bus and so was sat near the rear, which didn't really matter as all of the seats have minimal ... Read more >

Tags: animals, mountains, on the road, sightseeing, the great outdoors, walking

Last day in Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 4 Apr 2008 | Views [1340] | Comments [3]

Today I got up and booked my onward travel to Melbourne, which is going to be a 7am pickup tomorrow morning from the hostel for a three day/two night tour down to Melbourne, taking in lots of towns and sites along the way. I also booked a YHA hostel ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, animals, sightseeing, walking

Blue Mountains and drunken Spaniards!!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 3 Apr 2008 | Views [2564] | Comments [4]

The morning didn't go entirely as planned... I was rudely awoken at 5:45am, and quite possibly in the rudest way. Ever. Yet more joys of shared dorms I guess... although this story will be hard to beat! The Spaniard in the bunk above mine hadn't spoken ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, adventures, I should have known better!, mountains, sightseeing, the great outdoors, walking

Gallery: Australia

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 2 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 16 photos >>

Sydney Harbour Bridge walk

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 2 Apr 2008 | Views [4760] | Comments [1]

I slept very well and slept through most of the people in my dorm coming and going, but still felt a bit tired, even after a shower! I had a cheapo breakfast of cereals and toast in the cafe next to the hostel and got the train to Circular Quay, from ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, sightseeing, walking

On to Sydney...

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 1 Apr 2008 | Views [1601]

My flight from Bangkok to Sydney had a pleasant surprise in store... I had been upgraded to Qantas's new 'Premium Economy' for the flight! I believe this was due to blind luck, as they are finishing their trails of it before they start selling tickets ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing, walking