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There are [0] photos and [41] stories tagged with "walking".

Tribewanted's Vitika Trek November 8th - 15th, Vanua Levu, Fiji

FIJI | Sunday, 16 Nov 2008 | Views [1549]

On Saturday 8th November the first ever Tribewanted Vitika trek began from Labasa, Vanua Levu. Vitika roughly translates as 'cut a new path into Fiji', and this was exactly what we were going to do!   Five people from the island of Vorovoro ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, adventures, beach, fiji, jungle adventures, trek, trekking, vanua levu, vorovoro, walking

Shotover Canyon Swing!!

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 12 Jun 2008 | Views [4581] | Comments [2]

This morning I was booked to do the last crazy thing not yet done in this town... namely the Shotover Canyon Swing. Pretty simple... big canyon, lots of wires, two ropes and a victim... it is a 60 meter freefall into the 109 meter deep canyon and once ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, walking

Nevis Bungy!!

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 11 Jun 2008 | Views [3541]

The Nevis bungy before today was something that I still held some fear for. The bridge bungy was a lot of fun, and there were no big dramas making the jump, but this one is 134 meters from a pod suspended by cables over a massive canyon and river. It ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, walking

Queenstown! [Luge crash(!), walking, beer & waiting for clear skies!]

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 7 Jun 2008 | Views [4427] | Comments [1]

After the drive back up to Queenstown, including a few obligatory stop offs to admire the stunning scenery, we were checked into the YHA and readying for a walk up to the Gondola on the hill near town. The gondola is pretty steep and rises up over 400 ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, beer, lazing, walking

Rob Roy Valley Walk and on to Queenstown

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 Jun 2008 | Views [2095]

This morning we met early and headed out of Wanaka to take the walk we'd planned for the day before. I woke up feeling a bit rubbish today, sore throat, snotty nose, head and body ache, brill... Anyway, best thing for that is a long walk in the cold, ... Read more >

Tags: driving, walking

Fox Glacier walks...

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 30 May 2008 | Views [3298]

This morning I left Franz Joseph a bit later than I'd planned, and got a delayed text from Chris saying he was going to do one of the big, all day walks down there with an early start. I headed down to Fox and was happy to take on several of the smaller ... Read more >

Tags: mountains, running, the great outdoors, walking

Franz Joseph Glacier Hike

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 29 May 2008 | Views [1891]

With slightly stiff legs I walked up to the reservation office for the glacier walk this morning, in plenty of time for the meeting time. Once we were all there we were introduced to our guide and taken through to a room for fitting out with gear for ... Read more >

Tags: glaciers, mountains, the great outdoors, walking

Alex's Knob, an alpine hike!

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 28 May 2008 | Views [4073] | Comments [1]

Today Chris and I took on a fairly serious hike up a peak near the glacier, called Alex's Knob. It is touted as an eight hour return alpine hike. The west coast was being kinder to us with the weather, and it was clear all day, and nice and fresh with ... Read more >

Tags: mountains, walking

Able Tasman National Park

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 19 May 2008 | Views [1629]

I drove back across the hills and winding roads through Takaka and on to the Able Tasman National Park this morning. The weather wasn't as nice as yesterday and I was driving through clouds at the top of the hill! On route I tried to find Hawkes Hole, ... Read more >

Tags: the great outdoors, walking

Farewell Spit and trying to kill the van!

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 18 May 2008 | Views [1857] | Comments [2]

This morning I drove on north to get to the northern most tip of the south island, Cape Farewell. The landscape here is pretty similar to the north island still, but I did know what the Farewell Spit was made off until I got there. It is a strange elongated ... Read more >

Tags: on the road, the great outdoors, walking

Aratiatia Dam and drive drive drive!

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [2126]

This morning I went further upstream past Huka Falls to see Aratiatia Dam and Rapids... The dam is opened three times a day in the winter, more in the summer, and is quite a sight. The area outside the dam is beautiful and quiet, and within a minute ... Read more >

Tags: driving, sightseeing, walking

The Tongariro Crossing!!

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Views [5388] | Comments [1]

Today I walked the 18.5km Tongariro crossing, and the extra 2km Tongariro peak walk. I completed it in about 7.5 hours, with lots of stops for photo's, water and food. It is difficult to explain just how good this was! The Tongariro National Park is ... Read more >

Tags: mountains, the great outdoors, walking

Huka falls and spending dosh

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [1635]

This morning I went back into town and made some purchases. I got a thermal base layer top, with long sleeves for the walks when its cold (and for skiing, which I want to try whilst here!), some thermal pants and top (lol!), fully water proof over trousers ... Read more >

Tags: onward planning, shopping, sightseeing, walking

Craters of the Moon...

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 13 May 2008 | Views [2514] | Comments [1]

I had a much needed lie-in this morning, no alarm, bliss! After spending some time online uploading photos I checked out the FAQ's for the tandem skydiving in the area and found to my disappointment that the maximum weight for a dive is 100kg's. Back ... Read more >

Tags: shopping, sightseeing, the great outdoors, walking

Waiotapu Thermals, Rainbow Mountain and on to Taupo!

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 12 May 2008 | Views [2504]

This morning I was off driving to Taupo, which is very central in the north island. On route I stopped in to visit Waiotapu Thermal Wonderland. This place kicked the ass off of Te Puia for natural beauty and value for money for a visit. There is lots ... Read more >

Tags: mountains, on the road, sightseeing, the great outdoors, walking

Rotorua sights and lots of walking!

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 11 May 2008 | Views [2484]

This morning looked like better weather, but alas the wind was still to high for a dry Zorb! I'm not too bothered as there will be other places to do this in New Zealand, and I suspect some will be more sheltered for exactly this reason... failing that ... Read more >

Tags: sightseeing, the great outdoors, walking

Waitomo Caves

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 8 May 2008 | Views [1488]

After a day in Auckland, being lazy, preparing the laptop wandering around some of the city and shopping for a few supplies I was ready to set off south. I drove 230km's today, through Hamilton and on to Waitomo, where they have some pretty good caves ... Read more >

Tags: on the road, sightseeing, walking

Driving at last, it's like riding a bike! The Northlands

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 6 May 2008 | Views [1996] | Comments [3]

Today I collected my transport and home for the next two months. After a leisurely start at the hotel and another mahuusive breakfast we were collected by taxi and taken to the depot. The company I hired with are called 'Jucy' which I still find amusing.... Read more >

Tags: driving, history, hitchhikers, shopping, swimming, the great outdoors, walking

Auckland and a friendly face from home

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Views [1194] | Comments [1]

Flying into New Zealand presented a similar ordeal as Australia in respect of their assault on anything animal, vegetable or mineral being brought into the country, not to mention that they didn't want to let me board as I didn't have a printed itinerary ... Read more >

Tags: onward planning, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing, walking


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 28 Apr 2008 | Views [3590] | Comments [1]

Brisbane is another really nice city. I did plan on doing a few things from here, but time has been eaten up with nothing in particular and I'm more and more conscious of money (I'm spending too much!). I'm staying at another YHA hostel, which is not ... Read more >

Tags: onward planning, sightseeing, sport, the planning phase, walking

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