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Sloggs' Travel Blog A journal of my travels in 2008 & beyond...

United Kingdom

There are [3] photos and [8] stories about United Kingdom

My Travel Itinerary...

Saturday, 19 Jan 2008 | Views [1241]

My 7 flight ticket is scheduled as follows, but subject to change as I can extend from any point on the trip up to a year... (each subsequent date would then be automatically pushed back) Tomorrow, Heathrow to Bangkok 18th March Bangkok - Sydney (Highly ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

One day to go...

Saturday, 19 Jan 2008 | Views [780] | Comments [2]

Today was pretty hectic again, man I'm tired... Sorted my last banking requirements and got some Bahts so I have cash when I arrive. Got the last few bits of kit sorted too and will do a full pack tonight and make an inventory to make sure I'm sorted ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Butterflies are here!!

Friday, 18 Jan 2008 | Views [831]

Oh my god! Only a couple of days to go... shiiiiiiiiit! Exciting, and scary too. I spent all day today putting things in boxes and moving out of my (2nd floor) flat into storage. Fooking knackered now and still have some things to move tomorrow/Sunday ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

My last poker fix...

Thursday, 17 Jan 2008 | Views [1366]

On the 12th of January I went across to play in what was to be my last poker 'fix' before I travel. Driving over I really couldn't be that bothered, although because it was to be my last game, and it was an APAT game, I was still up for it, I just didn't ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Selling stuff for England!

Friday, 11 Jan 2008 | Views [873]

Well, emptying the flat is going reasonably well! I've sold some things on eBay that have been following me around for years, stuff that I really should have sold ages ago (old car tuning parts from my Fiat Coupe days etc). Handily I've made enough cash ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Preparations going to plan... ish

Tuesday, 8 Jan 2008 | Views [802]

So, tonight I finally sold my car. I am mostly gutted, as I reeeeaaaaalllly liked this car , and only bought it (brand new) in July 2007! Hind site is a wonderful thing... at the point of buying it, I was thinking I'd keep it for several years, thus ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Jabs all done...

Saturday, 5 Jan 2008 | Views [1004]

So, had my final course of jabs today, thank goodness! Glad to see the back of those... although to complete the course I have to have another Hep B jab in a years time! Pffft. All in all the course of Rabies and Hep B cost me £219! Ah well... had to ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

The whole point of this here Blog...

Saturday, 1 Dec 2007 | Views [881] | Comments [2]

Ok, I'm going to waffle a bit here, so brace yourself now, or look away! First some background on myself and these so called 'blogs'... it won't take long as there is no background on that subject. I've never read them and never attempted to write ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase



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