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Sloggs' Travel Blog A journal of my travels in 2008 & beyond...

Tribewanted's Vitika Trek November 8th - 15th, Vanua Levu, Fiji

FIJI | Sunday, 16 Nov 2008 | Views [1550]

On Saturday 8th November the first ever Tribewanted Vitika trek began from Labasa, Vanua Levu. Vitika roughly translates as 'cut a new path into Fiji', and this was exactly what we were going to do!   Five people from the island of Vorovoro ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, adventures, beach, fiji, jungle adventures, trek, trekking, vanua levu, vorovoro, walking

Since Vorovoro

FIJI | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Views [1613]

So, where the hell have I been...?!! Firstly, massive apologies for not publishing this blog years ago! I wrote it after my trip in 2009, and here I am years later reliving those amazing memories and updating my blog. Shocking! Since this trip I have ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, family, fiji, nadi, promotion, trekking, vanua levu, volunteering, vorovoro, work

My last two weeks as Chief on Vorovoro.

FIJI | Tuesday, 30 Sep 2008 | Views [1849]

Firstly an apology, for taking so very long to write and publish my final blog from my month as Chief of Vorovoro way back in September. Life has been a little surreal for me since then, with hardly time to think, let alone sit and write my usual lengthy ... Read more >

Building foundations & pulling people together on Vorovoro.

FIJI | Tuesday, 16 Sep 2008 | Views [2286]

For Geoff. Sorry it has been so long coming. On Tuesday 16th of September something very special happened on Vorovoro. Tribe Manager Amy's parents, Mary and Geoff had been on Vorovoro for some six weeks, to visit their beloved daughter and to experience ... Read more >

My second week as chief on Vorovoro, for Tribewanted

FIJI | Saturday, 13 Sep 2008 | Views [1691]

This week started off with another visit to the doctors for me, which was a bit of a waste of a day on Vorovoro  personally, but better news with the ear canal looking better. It's so hard to keep from swimming and snorkeling in the beautiful waters ... Read more >

My first week as chief of Tribewanted.com, September 2008

FIJI | Saturday, 6 Sep 2008 | Views [1559] | Comments [2]

Looking back now, sat in the ecotricity hut on a Sunday afternoon, the week behind me is a bit of a blur! I've been in the enviable position of being installed as chief for the first month of the third year of this unique project, and all just in time ... Read more >

Tribewanted's 2nd Birthday!

FIJI | Tuesday, 2 Sep 2008 | Views [2454]

What a day! Tuesday the 2nd of September 2008 was the 2nd birthday of Tribewanted on Vorovoro , and the preparations and subsequent celebrations were fitting to say the least! We also recieved a wonderful news from Tui Mali in what was his first English ... Read more >

Tribewanted's Virgin Footsteps, a Trek in Vanua Levu

FIJI | Friday, 22 Aug 2008 | Views [1841]

On Friday the 22nd of August 2008 a group of tribe members and a certain mister Ben Keene left Vorovoro for a mini-adventure, trekking into the interior of the northern Fijian mainland island of Vanua Levu. We didn't just decide we'd go and do this ... Read more >

Happy days... but tears today.

FIJI | Saturday, 16 Aug 2008 | Views [1448] | Comments [5]

Life is good. I sit on the beach, surrounded by friends most days wondering how I can keep this thing going... everyday is good. But today I received the news I'd dreaded for some months. One of my best friends died this week, and a big part of me is ... Read more >

Tribewanted Meke to ~1000 people!!!

FIJI | Thursday, 14 Aug 2008 | Views [1796]

On the 14th of August 2008 Vorovoro was left empty* as the entire tribe made the trip to the All Saints Secondary School after being invited to meke for the crowd at the Cadets passing out parade. The day began with an early breakfast at 6:30 and after ... Read more >

My new postal address...

FIJI | Saturday, 9 Aug 2008 | Views [3149] | Comments [1]

[Postal address at the bottom of this blog! ;)] So, here I am, on Vorovoro, thousands of miles away from home and from most people I know. My family is growing by the week and I am calling this home. When we pass around the headland coming home from ... Read more >

Tags: life!

Big Decisions

FIJI | Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Views [1357] | Comments [1]

This year I've been looking for somewhere that would leave a big impression on me, and somewhere I could maybe stay for a while longer than my original itinerary was fixed for. I've found it. The traveling thing, in a traditional sense is great, and ... Read more >

Tags: life!

Life on Vorovoro...

FIJI | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [2409] | Comments [1]

I woke up early on Saturday the 5th of July after a better nights sleep and met up with a chap I met the night before who was taking the same flight as me to Labasa to share a taxi (a mercedes saloon, which the driver managed to fit Dales surf &... Read more >

Tags: beaches & sunshine, life!, the great outdoors

Off to Vorovoro for two weeks!

FIJI | Friday, 4 Jul 2008 | Views [1191]

Today I am leaving to fly to Labasa, the largest town on the second biggest island of Fiji, from where I will be met by someone from www.tribewanted.com and I will then make my way to my home for the next two weeks, on the remote island of Vorovoro ... Read more >

Island cruise and snorkeling

FIJI | Friday, 4 Jul 2008 | Views [1310]

After a second successive bad nights sleep (hopefully not a feature of my Fiji visit!), I was off to the main port in Nadi to take a cruise out to an island for the day. The island was very nice, apart from the big digger moving sand on one side of it, ... Read more >

Fiji time... Aaaaaaahhhhh

FIJI | Thursday, 3 Jul 2008 | Views [1397]

I was treated to an amazing sunset above the clouds on the way out of New Zealand, one of the best I've seen on the whole the trip! The top surface of the total cloud cover was dark red with the little cloud specks in the distance glowing the brightest ... Read more >

Life since Queenstown (the last two weeks of my NZ adventure)

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 2 Jul 2008 | Views [1801]

So, Queenstown was a very exciting part of my trip this year... and since then I've been doing all the kind of things that lead me there; meeting new people, hanging out, hiking, swimming, driving, sightseeing, etc etc... but since the serious activities ... Read more >

Gallery: Fiji

FIJI | Tuesday, 1 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 17 photos >>

Shotover Canyon Swing!!

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 12 Jun 2008 | Views [4581] | Comments [2]

This morning I was booked to do the last crazy thing not yet done in this town... namely the Shotover Canyon Swing. Pretty simple... big canyon, lots of wires, two ropes and a victim... it is a 60 meter freefall into the 109 meter deep canyon and once ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, walking

Nevis Bungy!!

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 11 Jun 2008 | Views [3541]

The Nevis bungy before today was something that I still held some fear for. The bridge bungy was a lot of fun, and there were no big dramas making the jump, but this one is 134 meters from a pod suspended by cables over a massive canyon and river. It ... Read more >

Tags: adrenaline, walking

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Me with the kids at Cawaro Village School during the Vitika Trek

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