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Sloggs' Travel Blog A journal of my travels in 2008 & beyond...


There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "work".

Since Vorovoro

FIJI | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Views [1613]

So, where the hell have I been...?!! Firstly, massive apologies for not publishing this blog years ago! I wrote it after my trip in 2009, and here I am years later reliving those amazing memories and updating my blog. Shocking! Since this trip I have ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, family, fiji, nadi, promotion, trekking, vanua levu, volunteering, vorovoro, work

Day 5 – Thursday, in Taiwan.

TAIWAN | Friday, 27 Jul 2007 | Views [924]

SJ survived the night and still had colour in the morning. This hotel was really comfy, went to bed late, but slept very well… We met for breakfast, which for SJ was just a glass of orange juice. He is still not 100% so it must be a bug. I only had ... Read more >

Tags: Work

I'm loosing my mind now, no idea what day it is...

TAIWAN | Wednesday, 25 Jul 2007 | Views [1044]

This is getting harder to write. So many things have happened, and we have been to so many places and met so many people that I'm struggling to remember where we started this morning...! ...ah yes, in the posh hotel in central north Seoul city... ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Day 3, what a day!!!

SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 24 Jul 2007 | Views [1036]

Ok, I was going to call this 'yellow poo day', but since I came up with that title, the day has gone from mad to madder to mazin! (And yes, my poo was yellow today... I need say no more on that subject, nay, I have imparted too much already... enjoy ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Missed 'message' story from day one! (and two!)

CHINA | Tuesday, 24 Jul 2007 | Views [1043] | Comments [1]

Ok, I missed a funny bit out from day one in China in my first report, so much stuff going on and I just forgot about it... About 8pm local time, I'm chilling in my room, probably writing up day one of my trip! The phone rings, which takes me by surprise ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Getting good with chop sticks!

CHINA | Monday, 23 Jul 2007 | Views [1034]

Day two in the big brother... no wait, wrong show! Ok, I have survived my first foray into the Chinese business world, and it was nothing like I expected! Probably due to the boss of the company being so young, there was no real formality like I was ... Read more >

Tags: Work

My top secret China mission blog... lol ;-)

CHINA | Sunday, 22 Jul 2007 | Views [1097]

This is my first written report from a business trip I took with my boss back in July 2007 ( www.identify.co.uk )... I thought I'd post them here as they weren't actually too bad, and also it means there is at least something here until I get a ... Read more >

Tags: Work

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