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Not Wasting A Minute In the Autumn of 2014 I decided to not go to school, not get a job, and not renew an apartment lease. Crazy? Fun? Scary? Yes, yes and yes. But it's time to take a bite out of the world before it chews me up and spits me out like a bad taste


There are [0] photos and [16] stories tagged with "germany".

Back Home For Now

USA | Monday, 13 Oct 2014 | Views [559]

I woke up around 6:30 and packed up all of my stuff. Everybody else in the apartment was still asleep when I left at 7:00. I sent a message to them on my way to the train station. It was best to let them sleep after being awake all weekend. I jumped ... Read more >

Tags: columbus, copenhagen, dc, germany, great trip, home, simon, statistics

Below the Elbe

GERMANY | Sunday, 12 Oct 2014 | Views [469]

I woke up in the morning to find out that Simon and Sarah were still out at the club. Steffen was around, so I hung out with him and talked about a few good electronic dj’s while he used his impressive dj setup to spin some tunes. I sent a text ... Read more >

Tags: biking, elbe tunnel, germany, hamburg, park fiction, party all night, sarah, simon, steffen

Delayed Travels

SWITZERLAND | Friday, 26 Sep 2014 | Views [484]

I enjoyed the nice breakfast again and then I caught a bus to the airport. My flight to Zurich bounced my through Hamburg on the way. My first flight was delayed. Also my second flight was delayed. It wasn’t enjoyable. I finally arrived in Zurich ... Read more >

Tags: airport, czech republic, delayed flight, germanwings, germany, hamburg, prague, switzerland, zurich


GERMANY | Monday, 22 Sep 2014 | Views [286]

I had planned on going to Dresden today. The only thing is I forgot to book my train last night, so now it is magnitudes more expensive. Solution? I’m staying in Berlin another day and booking a train to Prague for tomorrow. It was a nice chill ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, cider, entourage, germany, kaisers, mensa nord, sushi

Last day in Munich

GERMANY | Sunday, 21 Sep 2014 | Views [428]

We woke up and checked out of our accommodations this morning. Then we went off to the train station to rent a luggage locker. Our ride did not leave until 6:00 so we wanted to enjoy more of the festival. It was much easier to get a spot inside one of ... Read more >

Tags: autobahn, berlin, germany, mitfahrgelegenheit, munich, oktoberfest, stick fish


GERMANY | Saturday, 20 Sep 2014 | Views [519]

We woke up for some breakfast and headed off towards the festival grounds. At the train station we meet a few more people staying at our campsite and went with them around the festival. It was a little late by the time we arrived (10:00) to get a spot ... Read more >

Tags: beer, beer tents, germans, germany, munich, oktoberfest, polka, stick fish

To Munich!

GERMANY | Friday, 19 Sep 2014 | Views [440]

We had to wake up early and take some trains to the west side of Berlin. Our bus was departing from the central bus station to bring us to Oktoberfest. The ride was pretty awful. Bad traffic made for over a 9 hour bus ride to Munich. Matt and I went ... Read more >

Tags: beer garden, berlin, bus, camping, germany, munchen, munich, rain, traffic

Sunny in Berlin

GERMANY | Thursday, 18 Sep 2014 | Views [285]

It was a really nice day out, so I decided to hang out in the park. Matt introduced me to a tasty drink called Fritz-Kola the other day. It is a combination of cola, lemonade and coffee in an old style soda bottle. I popped into a Spätkauf (corner ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, book, fritz-kola, germany, sunny

Museums and Parks

GERMANY | Wednesday, 17 Sep 2014 | Views [326]

I went to some museums today. There is a small island in the rivers of Berlin called Museum Island because it is full of museums (easy to guess). The main one I went to see was the Pergamon Museum. It is set to close for over 5 years starting the end ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, curry 36, germany, ishtar gate, kiosks, pergamon museum, tiergarten

School on Vacation?

GERMANY | Tuesday, 16 Sep 2014 | Views [361]

Today I woke up and went to class with Matt. He is in a biology master’s program in Berlin and I thought it would be interesting to see differences between US and European universities. They are very different and I prefer American Universities.... Read more >

Tags: berlin, berlin mauer, berliner dom, charite university, checkpoint charlie, east side gallery, germany, history

Not So Basic Division

GERMANY | Monday, 15 Sep 2014 | Views [363]

We woke up in Sungsoo’s apartment with plenty of time for people to make it to class (most of them are all in the same program together).  I went back to Matt’s apartment for a shower and to plan my activities that day. Since his apartment ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, berlin mauer, berlin wall, cross from east to west, germany, history, nachos, soviets

Sundays in Berlin

GERMANY | Sunday, 14 Sep 2014 | Views [305]

Today Matt and I woke up and went off to get some food and wonder around a bit.  He called up a friend (Melanie) and we explored around Alexanderplatz until we got hungry. Then it was time for some Wok to Walk restaurant for some noodles. Throughout ... Read more >

Tags: angela merkel, berlin, brandenburg gate, germany, reichstag, ticket controlled, tiergarden, wok to walk

To Berlin!

GERMANY | Saturday, 13 Sep 2014 | Views [341]

I woke up and caught a S-bahn to the train station this morning.  My ICE train to bring me from Hamburg to Berlin was running a little behind, but it was not much of a problem. To be more precise, only half of the train was late. Since it is a more ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, germany, hamburg, kites, old friend, the bird, trains

Exploring Hamburg

GERMANY | Friday, 12 Sep 2014 | Views [356]

Today I explored the city. I think I walked almost a complete circle around downtown Hamburg. I started near the harbor and worked my way towards the city. There is a retired submarine in the Hamburg harbor that is now a historical museum piece. I only ... Read more >

Tags: germany, hamburg, reeperbahn, the bird


GERMANY | Thursday, 11 Sep 2014 | Views [494]

I had breakfast at the hostel with the German guys from my room. Then I went around town and found a Vodafone store to buy a new SIM card (3 charges a lot in Germany). The guys at the store were helpful. The only thing that was a little confusing was ... Read more >

Tags: currywurst, friends, germany, hamburg, simon, the highway

To Hamburg!

GERMANY | Wednesday, 10 Sep 2014 | Views [330]

I bummed around in the hostel for a lot of the morning. My flight was in the afternoon and checkout of the hostel was 10:00am. I did not have quite enough time to explore the city anymore. I finished one of my books and then took the bullet train to ... Read more >

Tags: airport, currywurst, germany, hamburg, stockholm, sweden

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