I woke up around 6:30 and packed up all of my stuff. Everybody else in the apartment was still asleep when I left at 7:00. I sent a message to them on my way to the train station. It was best to let them sleep after being awake all weekend. I jumped on the train to the airport via the Hbf. It was absolutely PACKED because it was rush hour. I was squeezed up against the doors and fell out at every stop to let people off the train. After the switch at the Hbf it became a little more comfortable.
About the time I was getting through security at the airport, Simon woke up and we started messaging a little bit. I reminded him of the American breakfast leftovers in his fridge. My first flight was back to Copenhagen ( I was flying SAS). Then I went to Washington D.C. before my final flight to Columbus. I was glad to see my phone still worked when I hit the USA. My father picked me up from the airport and we went back to my parent’s house.
It was a fun trip and I am by no mean done travelling. In fact, I plan on travelling around the US in a few weeks.
I recommend travelling to anybody that asks.
After a few quick calculations here are some statistics from during my travels:
Walked over 1000 miles
Flew 12,749 miles (over halfway around the world!)
963 miles via bus
27 miles via boat
370 miles via rideshare
1,190 miles via train, streetcar and tram
Met up with 2 old friends and 4 family members
Visited 12 countries that spoke that spoke 14 different languages
Lowest Elevation of 21 feet below sea level (250 if tunnels are included)
Highest Latitude: 64N
It is time for me to relax and figure out where I am going to put all of the stuff I have (see post from August 11). More posts will be coming in a few weeks time