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Not Wasting A Minute In the Autumn of 2014 I decided to not go to school, not get a job, and not renew an apartment lease. Crazy? Fun? Scary? Yes, yes and yes. But it's time to take a bite out of the world before it chews me up and spits me out like a bad taste


There are [0] photos and [3] stories about Denmark

Above Copenhagen

Friday, 5 Sep 2014 | Views [276]

I had some breakfast in the morning at the hostel where I met up with Peter and Josh for a few minutes.  They were both leaving for other destinations that afternoon. We swapped some contact information and headed off our separate ways.  I ... Read more >

Tags: copenhagen, denmark, gratis dinner, pub crawl, view

Exploring Scandinavia

Thursday, 4 Sep 2014 | Views [511]

I might be getting a little sick. Hopefully it is just some allergy or something in Copenhagen, but I brought Dayquil just in case. Good thing it is a nice day for some relaxed sightseeing. Breakfast was delicious this morning at the hostel. It was a ... Read more >

Tags: amalienborg, christiansborg, copenhagen, denmark, kastellet, mikkeller, rust


Wednesday, 3 Sep 2014 | Views [475]

I got up and checked out of the hostel, but not without eating some free breakfast first. I had to catch a train at the Amsterdam Centraal station to the airport. The airport in Amsterdam is huge. Luckily I had plenty of time to navigate around to the ... Read more >

Tags: copenhagen, dance party, denmark, downtown hostel, gratis dinner



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