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THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF JESS & DAN back on the road again...

let the beer drinking continue!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 19 May 2008 | Views [537]

the weather on our second day in munich was still cold but not freezing and raining as it was the day before so we went on the free walking tour of the city. over 100 people turned up, and we were eventually split into smaller groups, and we went off ... Read more >

munchen in munich..

GERMANY | Sunday, 18 May 2008 | Views [577] | Comments [4]

dear all, Realised after writing about dresden, that i didnt even cover the things that we did in dresden..i was too buzy writing about the people we met.lol, sorry! in dresden we visited the old town, which includes a beautful church of our lady, ... Read more >


GERMANY | Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [785] | Comments [1]

Yesterday we were picked up by Dans mums dads brother...does that make sense?i think its dans great uncle, in thier car and taken for lunch. Had good schnitzels and potatoes for lunch. Then taken for a tour of the old nazi camps and airfeild just outside ... Read more >

berlin, germany

GERMANY | Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [865] | Comments [3]

After a sore bum and nearly getting killed on the pushbikes riding around berlin- never follow dan, im so glad he had health insurance watching him dart around on the bike..aaarrggh- after that we decided to experience the berlin trains and our feet ... Read more >

today i have learnt...

GERMANY | Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [764] | Comments [4]

today, our first day in berlin, germany and i have learnt many many things...in no particular order... berlin is a MASSIVE city with so much history its impossible to take it all in Its always good playing pool with amy after champayne and vodka.... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 May 2008 | Views [405]

make sure you check the italy and greece folders for a few new fotos. Have been loading them off one of the cd's,its safer then connecting the sd card.so thats why the fotos are a little old. 

2 days in poland..

POLAND | Sunday, 11 May 2008 | Views [899] | Comments [4]

today and yesterday have been very busy, with both days including day trips out of poland.  Yesterday we spent the morning relaxing and wandering around the town, also spent some time at the hostel talking to others staying here, met some french people ... Read more >

amy's travelling journal

POLAND | Sunday, 11 May 2008 | Views [716] | Comments [2]

After speaking to joy-amy's mum, i have realised that i have definately been portraying amy as an aussie kissing and drinking machine causing havoc across europe. I apologize, and will from now on only write a true honest account of the travels of Miss ... Read more >

carpe diem

POLAND | Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [984] | Comments [6]

dear all,  Yesterday was ur first full day in krakow and it definately was a very very very full day. Began the day with walking toward the town centre, there was a huge student display with thousands of students dressed up in costumes..santa, army, ... Read more >

krakow, poland

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 10 May 2008 | Views [472] | Comments [2]

just arrived krakow yesterday, and are having a ball, the city is amazing with so many things to see, food..and many drinks to be drunk.we have arrived in the middle of a huge student celebration in krakow for the end of the semester..apparently thousands ... Read more >

kutna hora...bones and all

CZECH REPUBLIC | Thursday, 8 May 2008 | Views [706] | Comments [6]

we were adventuresome last night and made the most of the kitchen in the hostel..we made chicken parmas and vegies, drank some good strong vodka..and beers-luke, i can drink half a litre of beer!!!yay, and its so much cheaper then spirits..just wait ... Read more >

prague...in the land of cheap beer

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 7 May 2008 | Views [835] | Comments [5]

Last night was a long night...The hostel is nice but our room is facing the main street and is in front of the train line..it was a little noisy, and then dan started snoring, and then the american came back and shuffled around and then left and then ... Read more >

the most picturesque town in europe..

CZECH REPUBLIC | Monday, 5 May 2008 | Views [822] | Comments [1]

the most picturesque town in europe..this is the claim to fame for the small town called cesky krumlov in the czech republic. Was a little sceptical, especially after the the train ride took us through some pretty dodgy looking places on the one carriage ... Read more >

Vienna for a day

AUSTRIA | Saturday, 3 May 2008 | Views [640]

dear all, we decided that as much fun as we were having in linz, we should leave and see a little more of austria...so we took a day trip to vienna. there were no signs of dan and amys hangover remaining because we spent the whole day before resting.... Read more >

why you come to linz????

AUSTRIA | Friday, 2 May 2008 | Views [810] | Comments [6]

dear all, thankyou so much to everyone that comments on the blog, its great to read all your comments..and i dont think i realised how much i write about the food till i read your comments.all the food is just so good! I cant remember exactly what ... Read more >

Gallery: Austria

AUSTRIA | Friday, 2 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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its so cold...

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 30 Apr 2008 | Views [433] | Comments [7]

hello from freezing austria!! we caught the train today from venice to salzburg..a 7 hour journey in total. The train ride through austria was beautiful though. We can see snow on the mountains and can def feel the cold. we had taken the amazing weather ... Read more >

the floating city

ITALY | Tuesday, 29 Apr 2008 | Views [709] | Comments [5]

we arrived in venice yesterday afternoon to the main station in Venice. However venice is an island just off the mainland, so we needed to catch a bus back to the mainland because thats where our hotel is..its MUCH cheaper to stay on the mainland. Anyway, ... Read more >

Gallery: italy

ITALY | Tuesday, 29 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

milan and venice
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longest day ever....

ITALY | Sunday, 27 Apr 2008 | Views [740] | Comments [4]

I cant believe all of the things and places that we crammed into yesterday...it all began at 6.30am... we got up early to get to the uffizi, one of the most important galleries for renaissance art. We had tried the day before to get in but the queue ... Read more >

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