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There are [0] photos and [3] stories about Argentina

Butterflies and Toucans

Wednesday, 16 Jan 2013 | Views [997] | Comments [1]

Dear all,   This entry shall be considerably shorter as it only covers a few days.   After arriving back in Ushuaia we had a night there, during which we slept, slept, relaxed and slept a lot more. Antarctica was full on everyday, ... Read more >

Tags: butterflies, hi, hostel inn, iguazu falls, toucans

End of the world

Monday, 24 Dec 2012 | Views [684] | Comments [1]

Dear all,  I'm sitting writing at our hostel in Ushuaia, Argentina. It's the southernmost city in the world and hence was a long journey here... After flying for what felt like days, we arrived in Buenos Aires late saturday night. Hostel was ... Read more >

Tags: flight, gadventures, ushuaia

Groundhog day

Sunday, 23 Dec 2012 | Views [872] | Comments [7]

Dear All,  Wow, I can’t believe how fast the year has gone! It felt like only a few months ago we were at Kelli and Jackson’s wedding super excited because we had finally found a venue and date for a wedding AND decided on our amazing ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, chile, qantas, travel.



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