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THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF JESS & DAN back on the road again...

Trip: Antartica Honeymoon

There are [8] stories from my trip: Antartica Honeymoon

Relaxing in Rio De Janeiro

BRAZIL | Monday, 21 Jan 2013 | Views [709] | Comments [2]

Dear All,   I’ve left the blog for a few days because our daily activities have slowed down considerably…our days in Rio De Janeiro have consisted mostly of eating, sleeping and wandering the beach or shops..its been lovely! ... Read more >

Tags: beach, leblon, rio de janeiro

Butterflies and Toucans

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2013 | Views [997] | Comments [1]

Dear all,   This entry shall be considerably shorter as it only covers a few days.   After arriving back in Ushuaia we had a night there, during which we slept, slept, relaxed and slept a lot more. Antarctica was full on everyday, ... Read more >

Tags: butterflies, hi, hostel inn, iguazu falls, toucans

Photos: Antarctica

ANTARCTICA | Saturday, 12 Jan 2013 | Photo Gallery

our amazing freezing cold honeymoon
See all 5 photos >>

The most amazing place on earth

ANTARCTICA | Saturday, 12 Jan 2013 | Views [2155] | Comments [8]

Dear all,   I’m not going to be able to do regular updates on the blog as the internet on the boat is ridiculously expensive and you pay per megabyte, so I’m going to write regularly and then upload it all when we get back to Ushuaia ... Read more >

Tags: antarctica, gadventures, kayaking, penguins, port lockeroy, seals, whales

The best of Southern Patagonia

CHILE | Wednesday, 2 Jan 2013 | Views [759] | Comments [7]

Dear all,   It’s Tuesday night, however because of internet issues, it may not be uploaded until Wednesday night. I’m writing in a slightly comatose state so please excuse me if it dosnt make sense…   We have ... Read more >

Tags: el calafate, gadventues, patagonia, peurto natales, torres del paine

This toe is on fire!

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 28 Dec 2012 | Views [716] | Comments [7]

Dear All,   It’s 4:30pm on Thursday afternoon and my legs and toes are still recovering from our huge day yesterday….   I should probably go back a few days further before I talk about yesterday. We met our tour group ... Read more >

Tags: el chalten, fitzroy mountains, glacier, viedma

End of the world

ARGENTINA | Monday, 24 Dec 2012 | Views [684] | Comments [1]

Dear all,  I'm sitting writing at our hostel in Ushuaia, Argentina. It's the southernmost city in the world and hence was a long journey here... After flying for what felt like days, we arrived in Buenos Aires late saturday night. Hostel was ... Read more >

Tags: flight, gadventures, ushuaia

Groundhog day

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 23 Dec 2012 | Views [872] | Comments [7]

Dear All,  Wow, I can’t believe how fast the year has gone! It felt like only a few months ago we were at Kelli and Jackson’s wedding super excited because we had finally found a venue and date for a wedding AND decided on our amazing ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, chile, qantas, travel.