MYSTIC SEAPORT, MADE SEMI-FAMOUS by the Julia Robert’s film Mystic Pizza, is the largest seaport museum in the US. I often thought of stopping on my way to Boston but never quite made it. Until today.

Mystic Seaport Museum

Mid-Nineteenth Century Mystic model

Brandt Point Lighthouse

Harborside Mystic
The pride of the fleet, the Charles Morgan, is the oldest surviving wooden whaling ship. It comes complete with a whale boat and harpoon-forging blacksmith shop. All the ancillary crafts needed for sailing ships are also featured; barrel-making cooper, hemp-winding rope works and even a hoop-maker—for what purpose I know not.
Twisting hemp Final product
No longer involved in ship-building, Mystic is still renowned for period ship restoration. Mayflower II, the replica of the Pilgrim’s ship, was partially rebuilt in Mystic and plans are afoot for another upgrade.

Joseph Conrad

Definitely worth three or four hours.