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crustyadventures Random travel thoughts from WorldNomad's Community Manager

Favourite Stories

crustyadventures has [21] favourite stories.

How to travel Europe by Train: Ant's all-inclusive guide

CROATIA | Thursday, 20 Aug 2009 | By nomads-survival-kit | Views [3985] | Comments [2]

problem loading image

Tags: ant stone, eurail pass, europe, europe holiday, european train timetable, train tickets, train travel

Extreme Adventure (or madness) - going to the crater of Volcan Santiaguito

GUATEMALA | Monday, 2 Mar 2009 | By amil_patel | Views [3461] | Comments [1]

Having just gone to the crater of one of the 10 most active volcanoes in the world I think I can fairly confidently say that it is unlikely that I´ll ever undertake such an amazing and frankly mad adventure again. If you happen to be my mum, I´d probably ... Read more >

Tags: volacanic eruptions trekking extreme adventure

Tie Me Voulez Vous Down Sport

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 11 Nov 2008 | By countryboy | Views [838] | Comments [5]

    It’s the day after Soho Pride, another day-long London Gay festival thing, when I get the call from my agent telling me I’ve got the job. I turn to the man on my bed, who I picked up at around three in the morning, and tell him I just got a job.... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 18 Aug 2008 | By candjmcshane | Views [814] | Comments [2]

As we travel from caravan park to caravan park, I'm sure at least 3 of you are saying "But we have no idea of how you are living from day to day". You sad gits. Nevertheless, I shall explain. A typical arrival in a caravan park involves going ... Read more >


GERMANY | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | By climberchris | Views [843] | Comments [3]

And so it is decided. I am going to Mongolia. Tomorrow. It's hard to believe that this most incompentent and harebrained of schemes has actually worked. I mean, I actually rocked up in Berlin, found the MIAT travel office and said I want to go to Mongolia ... Read more >

Looking at Poverty in the Face

INDIA | Saturday, 3 Feb 2007 | By gwen1 | Views [3172] | Comments [5]

Most people are too scared to look at poverty in the face. Most people do not even admit this, let alone think about what it is inside them, that makes them look away. We are too uncomfortable with the thought of confrontation, even if it is only within ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

Back in the USA...

USA | Saturday, 22 Mar 2008 | By justine | Views [1477] | Comments [3]

As TS Eliot put it, “And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started/And know the place for the first time.” Now that I'm back, I find myself in that place of culture shock where the world feels like it's upside down and I'm on ... Read more >

Tags: coming home, culture shock, observations, usa

La Tomatina (The Great Tomato Fight!)

SPAIN | Tuesday, 21 Nov 2006 | By rhiannon | Views [9571] | Comments [2]

It is held in Buñol. It is exactly what the title says. Imagine the most insane mosh you have ever been in and then add several tonnes of tomato pulp. Everyone, thousands of people, were packed into this long street no wider than my bedroom. I’m ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Slow Life in Spain

SPAIN | Sunday, 18 May 2008 | By sstolper | Views [3090] | Comments [5]

I live in a village with an estimated 50-70 residents. It's called Les Piles de Gaia. My host does not seem to know where it comes from. That is neither here nor there. I am living with a family in rural Catalunya, an hour and a half outside of Barcelona, ... Read more >

Tags: family, farming, spain, work

a stone on simmer

INDIA | Monday, 21 Apr 2008 | By solbeam | Views [1342]

Handing me back the piece of paper with the single word on it, my student says, "Um. I'm not sure I know what this is…" Part of the mission of my work (in experiential education) is that of fostering eleven (what we call) "core values"... Read more >

Opening Lines

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 22 Apr 2008 | By climberchris | Views [1234] | Comments [8]

The crash of splintering glass jerked me from my sleep as the books from my bag were scattered across the floor. The coach lurched to a halt and the confusion was immediate. A car lay, sprawled and flattened in the outside lane. My journey is, I hope, ... Read more >

Bundaberg - Part 1

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 Nov 2007 | By josdent | Views [2928] | Comments [4]

There is really only one reason backpackers go to Bundaberg: work. It is pretty much the fruit picking capital of Australia. I arrived at the transit centre about 5pm and was picked up by the hostel. I mentioned I was looking for work and was told ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Rabies shot number 4

THAILAND | Wednesday, 25 Apr 2007 | By jonnygo | Views [3537]

I departed the Germanically infused Ao Nang (even the menus are in German) on a much more serious scooter than on Koh Lanta. With flames licking my bum hairs I roared off in the direction of Krabi hospital some 10 kilometers away. (Born to be wild ringing ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

The Journey So Far

THAILAND | Thursday, 18 Oct 2007 | By esther | Views [768] | Comments [5]

30 days 3 countries 16 beds 5 planes 2 trains 4 boats 8 buses 2 tuktuks 16 motos 12 taxis 7 books 127 photographs 1 pair of shoes 28 bites 1 runny nose 3 runny tummies 2 burned arms 2 burned feet (striped) 1 blister The Asian Adventure ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

B-Boy Korea - Bust a Move!

SOUTH KOREA | Saturday, 4 Aug 2007 | By miss_traveller | Views [7012] | Comments [3] | Video

  ^^The youtube video is from Planet B-boy. It is break dancing between North and South Korea soldiers at the DMZ (demilitarized zone) border. It is a must see. Phat stuff! Dope music and break dancing.  A B-boy is ... Read more >

Tags: i should have known better!

Same Same Clarification

LAOS | Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007 | By rjallen | Views [2071]

Yesterday we went on a rather Laoesque trek to a Hmong village (Laoesque in that we sloshed around the muddy jungle for 6 hours as it poored down rain).  The Hmong only live above 1,000 meters and still cultivate signicant amounts of opium. Their Tibetan, ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!


AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007 | By ciaranandruth | Views [2280] | Comments [2]

Maybe we're obsessed with placenames, even names in general. In fairness, the Aussies give us good reason to do so. We've already written about the plain speaking clarity used in the naming of Australia's finest tourist spots. Visiting these places never ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

The world's adrenaline capital

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 21 Jul 2007 | By jonnygo | Views [1933] | Comments [2]

The most lethal sport in New Zealand is skydiving. Its SO dangerous (and I quote the promotional leaflet,) that there's a, " departure" every hour. No chance I'll be going on that one then. A death every hour seems like very bad odds indeed.... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Seals, sandflies and sea kayaks

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 30 Jul 2007 | By jonnygo | Views [1617]

"Beware the hideous biting sandflies of New Zealand," warns Sir Ian McKellan in the Lonley Planet guide.  We relaxed in the knowledge that the icy weather was way too cold for their bloodthirsty mouths. Not so....for in a place known as Milford ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Botswana: No. 1 Ladies Hair Stylist

BOTSWANA | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2007 | By largeone | Views [2095] | Comments [2]

Creator of the Botswana renowned "pero-perm" Mma Rotswe waits excitedly once more for a customer.  Mma has taken the BBH (Botswana's Best Hair Stylist) award in consecutive years with her unbeatable: Peroxide-Perm, which involves unloading ... Read more >

Tags: Culture


AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 12 Apr 2007 | By wanderyears | Views [3002] | Comments [5] | Video

If ever there was a time when I was in way over my depth, then this was it. Among the two thousand plus entrants, there was several million dollars worth of the latest equipment. I, on the other hand, had a borrowed shirt and jeans, a pair ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, misadventures