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Center on Wheels

About justine

In the Sacred Monkey Forest (seconds later the monkey on the right started putting his hands down the back of my pants!)

In the Sacred Monkey Forest (seconds later the monkey on the right started putting his hands down the back of my pants!)

I'm working on being an Anthropologist-at-Large.

I named this journal "Center on Wheels" after a art poster I saw years ago. It went something like "I spent a long time trying to find my center until I realized that it moved around a lot, so now I have learned how to sail." It was accompanied by a drawing of a sailboat on wheels. I was instinctively drawn to it, but it was not until recently that I've understood why. I feel most centered and comfortable with myself when I'm in motion. I am most at home with myself and the world when I'm moving around it, experiencing the energy of new places and new people, living the world.

I want to expand my comfort zone to encompass the whole world, bit by bit.

Here's the exact quote, from Brian Andreas of StoryPeople fame:

"I spent a long time trying to find my center until I looked closely one night & found it had wheels & moved easily in the slightest breeze, so now I spend less time sitting and more time sailing."

My Travel Map:
