About justine

In the Sacred Monkey Forest (seconds later the monkey on the right started putting his hands down the back of my pants!)
I'm working on being an Anthropologist-at-Large.
I named this journal "Center on Wheels" after a art poster I saw years ago. It went something like "I spent a long time trying to find my center until I realized that it moved around a lot, so now I have learned how to sail." It was accompanied by a drawing of a sailboat on wheels. I was instinctively drawn to it, but it was not until recently that I've understood why. I feel most centered and comfortable with myself when I'm in motion. I am most at home with myself and the world when I'm moving around it, experiencing the energy of new places and new people, living the world.
I want to expand my comfort zone to encompass the whole world, bit by bit.
Here's the exact quote, from Brian Andreas of StoryPeople fame:
"I spent a long time trying to find my center until I looked closely one night & found it had wheels & moved easily in the slightest breeze, so now I spend less time sitting and more time sailing."
My Travel Map:
To navigate, press the arrow keys.
I was here on: Feb 2, 2008
Hoi An
Where to next? Nha Trang