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Mid Life Crisis - Kilimanjaro 2015 Challenger both Body and Mind


There are [0] photos and [11] stories tagged with "mid life crise".

It is all my adventure now – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 30 Jun 2015 | Views [768]

I had confirmation this week about something I had guessed, that a friend of mine who had chosen to join my trip, has now decided not to complete the challenge.   This stirred the emotions up inside me, is it better or worse on my own? ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Father’s Day – So much can happen in a year – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 24 Jun 2015 | Views [696]

A year ago this weekend, my lovely boy bought me a pair of socks for Father’s Day. So what? So much! This meant that my wife fully supported my plan to climb Kilimanjaro which as she reminded me this last weekend, is now only 13 weeks away. ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Pushing body and mind past what I thought was the limit – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 16 Jun 2015 | Views [1135]

Friday night and I was deliberating over whether to go cycling with Stuart and James on Saturday morning or not. I couldn’t really be bothered. My sister in law Karen asked if I wanted dinner, to which I readily accepted as my wife was working.... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

Time to review mid-year achievements and realignment of goals - Kilimanjaro blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 9 Jun 2015 | Views [662]

This week I have completed no training at all. Yep I said that. My training target was not satisfied for the first time this year (with the exception of sickness), but I don’t mind. Why?  Sometimes there are bigger things which need that time ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

How much more efficient you are when you have the right equipment - Kilimanjaro blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 2 Jun 2015 | Views [543]

  Sunday was wet and I really couldn’t be bothered to go out on my bike. But with the goal of Kilimanjaro looming, I did it. And I got filthy and very very wet as you can see from the photo! Whilst I was filthy and very very wet, it made ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

What did a holiday teach me about social media - Kilimanjaro blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 26 May 2015 | Views [816]

I have been away for two weeks, which you may or may not know. I took this time to experiment for my Kilimanjaro challenge, making sure I still had my weekly LinkedIn long post published, Facebook page published and World Nomads blog listed. Most ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

Life’s easier when you have people around you with the same goals – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Saturday, 9 May 2015 | Views [283]

A while ago I talked about the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people, most recently on the Kilimanjaro TrekPrep weekend, I realised the importance of surrounding yourself with people with the same goals. It also helped me understand ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

Being on the front foot – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 5 May 2015 | Views [453]

Last blog I talked about how much I learnt on the Kilimanjaro prep weekend, run by a client of mine Dave Stewart, of The Fresh Air Learning Company. I learnt so much from this professional weekend and one thing in particular has struck deeper with me ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

Talking to the Professionals – Realising why it is so important – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 28 Apr 2015 | Views [536]

This weekend I spent on a TrekPrep weekend, run by a client of mine Dave Stewart, MD of The Fresh Air Learning Company. The joining pack stated “An awesome weekend of fun and fresh air, preparing you for the mighty ascent of Kilimanjaro, the highest ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Taking time to see what is around you? – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 21 Apr 2015 | Views [644]

The news on my friend, brother in law and personal cycling trainer is that he dislocated his shoulder, collar bone and broke a bone in his elbow, so is currently off his bike.   Not to let this stop me, I got out for some great training over ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Preparing for the unexpected! – Now what? – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 14 Apr 2015 | Views [523]

You may remember that my recent blog talked about not being well. I never expected to be practically bed bound for three days with a virus. Or to hear the news when I woke up on Saturday lunchtime, that the best mountain biker I know was in A&... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, panic, summit, trekking

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