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Mid Life Crisis - Kilimanjaro 2015 Challenger both Body and Mind


There are [0] photos and [28] stories tagged with "frustration".

Kilimanjaro – Day Six of the challenge, Summit Night – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Friday, 1 Jan 2016 | Views [943]

We left at 12:20 am, in the full moon. The first hour was a tentacle climb and then we were climbing, following the paths of head torches, switching back, and back, for hours. We caught up with Carole (who had left earlier) which was nice to have the ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Kilimanjaro – Day three of the challenge – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Friday, 11 Dec 2015 | Views [642]

Did not get a lot of sleep and needed to take some pain killers in the middle of the night, but still woke feeling like I hadn't had much sleep. Watching the sun come up over Shira camp at 12,500 ft, the wind whipping through the tent with stunning views ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Kilimanjaro – Day two of the challenge – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 24 Nov 2015 | Views [573]

Awoke before the alarm, as I wanted to be on the front foot. If you have followed these blogs you will know it was something I learnt on the trek prep weekend I attended, which stood me in such good stead for this trip and for my business and personal ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Kilimanjaro – The start of the adventure – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 17 Nov 2015 | Views [972]

It was sad to say good-bye, sad to see the tears in my wife’s face, from sheer sleep exhaustion and realising that one part of team Mattravers was going away for 13 nights. I had to stay strong, we had discussed moving the date but this was attempting ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Time to say thank you - Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 10 Nov 2015 | Views [434]

  I would like to say thank you personally to as many people who have supported me as possible, so have set up a photo and chat about the Kilimanjaro challenge.  I will be talking about the preparation, challenge, highs and ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Kilimanjaro – There and back again – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 28 Oct 2015 | Views [603]

I have learnt so much that I don’t really know where to start.  I have been totally touched by the amount of support I have received, blown away at the sponsorship currently standing at £5170 and shattered, absolutely shattered. ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Reflection and thinking time! - Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 15 Sep 2015 | Views [836] | Comments [2]

Awoke to hear that a friend who I met on the Kilimanjaro prep weekend was not allowed to attempt the Kilimanjaro summit because his oxygen saturation was 52% (which is dangerous), he also had fluid built up on his lungs, caused by the high altitude, ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

What a difference a day makes! - Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 1 Sep 2015 | Views [722]

31 st August, bank holiday, our baby’s due date. It’s not here yet so it looks like our second child will be one of the oldest in their year group, rather than being the youngest. This also means things are on tenterhooks in the Mattravers ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

So what is it going to be like? - Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 25 Aug 2015 | Views [865]

8 days until the baby’s due date and 28 days until I leave for Kilimanjaro. I have been doing a lot of reading, so I thought I would share. Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s tallest peak standing in at 19,340 which also classifies it as ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Wibble, wobble, Wibble - I’m not going to Kilimanjaro- Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 18 Aug 2015 | Views [1232]

  So it’s happened! I’ve wobbled over the sheer enormousness of the challenge I have ahead of me and more importantly, the fact I will be leaving my wife, son (as he goes to school) and couple of week old baby, for 12 nights. Lots ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

What it takes for this Somerset Man to be prepared for Kilimanjaro! - Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 12 Aug 2015 | Views [777]

Three weeks to go until the due date of our second child, seven weeks to go until I head off to climb the tallest free standing mountain in the world. I have been asked a lot of questions about my training, about how I fit it all in. Most people ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

The ONE person I could not do this without – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 4 Aug 2015 | Views [1283]

I may be walking up Kilimanjaro on my own, but there is one person in my life that has helped to make all this possible. During our lives we all meet amazing people, sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for a few weeks, sometimes for longer and ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Oh you have changed – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 28 Jul 2015 | Views [1099]

YES I have   It is my first day of holiday after finishing working for Oxford Innovation on the GrowthAccelerator service and I am out the door at 615am for a conversation with a business connection! Ouch you may think, but I ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Saying Goodbye - Kilimanjaro blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 21 Jul 2015 | Views [785]

As I walk down the platform of the train station, day bag on my back, heading off for a full weekend of hiking along the south west coast path planned, I feel a sense of sadness. Sadness at missing my family for two and a bit days, missing my wife and ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

So why did I choose to support Cruse Bereavement Care Somerset- Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 7 Jul 2015 | Views [1285]

13 years ago on Friday 3 rd May 2002, I had finished for the day and was working in the garage on my Triumph Herald. My friend and housemate in my first house, Darren (Daz) came into the garage and said he was going to West Bay on his motorbike, a ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, panic, panic, summit, trekking

It is all my adventure now – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 30 Jun 2015 | Views [768]

I had confirmation this week about something I had guessed, that a friend of mine who had chosen to join my trip, has now decided not to complete the challenge.   This stirred the emotions up inside me, is it better or worse on my own? ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Father’s Day – So much can happen in a year – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 24 Jun 2015 | Views [696]

A year ago this weekend, my lovely boy bought me a pair of socks for Father’s Day. So what? So much! This meant that my wife fully supported my plan to climb Kilimanjaro which as she reminded me this last weekend, is now only 13 weeks away. ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, hard work, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, panic, summit, trekking

Pushing body and mind past what I thought was the limit – Kilimanjaro Blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 16 Jun 2015 | Views [1135]

Friday night and I was deliberating over whether to go cycling with Stuart and James on Saturday morning or not. I couldn’t really be bothered. My sister in law Karen asked if I wanted dinner, to which I readily accepted as my wife was working.... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

Time to review mid-year achievements and realignment of goals - Kilimanjaro blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 9 Jun 2015 | Views [662]

This week I have completed no training at all. Yep I said that. My training target was not satisfied for the first time this year (with the exception of sickness), but I don’t mind. Why?  Sometimes there are bigger things which need that time ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

How much more efficient you are when you have the right equipment - Kilimanjaro blog

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 2 Jun 2015 | Views [543]

  Sunday was wet and I really couldn’t be bothered to go out on my bike. But with the goal of Kilimanjaro looming, I did it. And I got filthy and very very wet as you can see from the photo! Whilst I was filthy and very very wet, it made ... Read more >

Tags: challenge, charity, frustration, fundraising, hard work, hiking, killimanjaro, mid life crise, panic, summit

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